
Module 4 Unit 1 Activities period 1 课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-06-15 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:84次 大小:37097169Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2BM4U1 Activities period 1 He/She can _____. Ask and answer What can he/she do Hello! I’m Mickey. Hello, I’m Mickey. I can play basketball. Mickey can play _aske_ball. b t + = basket ball basketball play basketball Bounce the ball Bounce. Bounce. Bounce the ball. Shoot. Shoot. Now let’s shoot. ① Shoot ② A basketball team(篮球队) needs 5 players(队员). Kitty Xi Yangyang Rabby Doggy Kitty Xi Yangyang Rabby Doggy _____ can play basketball. The Hi, I’m Rabby. I’m thin. I can play basketball. Let’s play basketball together. OK! A basketball team(篮球队) needs 5 players(队员). + = foot ball football Guess He is_____. He is_____. Xi Yangyang short f___tball book look good oo play football Play, play, you can play. You can play basketball. Play, play, we can play. We can play football. See, see, I can see. I can see a ball. Chant Draw, draw, he can draw. He can draw a ball. Hi, I’m ____. I’m ____. I can ____ ____. Kitty, what can you do Listen! Ping-pong Listen! A ping! Listen! A pong! Ping pong, ping pong… I can hear a ping-pong! Play ping-pong Alice Danny Peter ___can _____ , Kitty play ping-pong play basketball Kitty but she/ he can’t _____. Hello, I’m Kitty. I’m _____. I can ____ _____. But I can’t ____ _____. Look! What are they lovely play ping-pong play basketball cards Play cards card I can see a _____ card green 卡片 纸牌 Let’s play cards! D. play football C. play ping-pong B. play cards A. play basketball Look and match (看图连线) — Can Mickey play basketball — Yes, he can. Ask and answer — Can your father play football — No, he can’t. 1. — Can your mother play basketball — No, _____ can’t. A. I B. he C. she Think and choose (圈出正确答案) 2. — Can ____ play ping-pong — Yes, he can. A. I B. Danny C. Alice Let's read! _____can _____ , but she/ he can’t _____. Mickey play basketball play football Filling in blanks Hello, I’m Doggy. I’m ____. I can ____ ____. But I can’t ____ ____. We can’t play basketball. Sorry. Let’s teach you! Let’s play basketball together! Mickey can play _____. Rabby can _____ _____, too. Xi Yangyang can ____ _____ and _____. Kitty can _____ _____ and _____. Doggy can _____ _____ and _____. Look at Mickey. He is tall. He can play basketball. Look at Rabby. She is thin. She can play basketball, too! Read ★ Look at Xi Yangyang. ____ is white. He can _____ and _____. Look at Kitty. ____ is lovely. She can _____ and _____. Look and say ★ ★ Look at Doggy. He is nice. He can play_____ and _____. I can play _____,too. I like _____ _____. Let’s _____ _____together. Think and say ★ ★ ★ Listen and read the words and text on your book . Homework

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