
牛津译林版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Nature in the balance Extended reading 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:95次 大小:4246016Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1Nature in the balance Extended reading Please describe what the pictures show. Lead in What damage have we done to the earth Gas emissions from factories Waste water Light-reflecting building Air pollution Water pollution Light pollution Lead in Pollution global warming water pollution air pollution habitat loss … soil pollution light pollution noise pollution overfishing Do you know any pollution on the earth Lead in Have you ever experienced any pollution before Have you heard of any stories about pollution Please share one story with the rest of the class. Warm up for reading Let’s watch a short video and answer the questions. What’s the topic of the video Where can you see such interview The importance of air quality and the damage of air pollution. TV, internet, public service Ads… Prediction Read the TV show transcript about a polluted city. Can you predict what will be talked about in the TV show Facts, causes, details, comments Factory, grey mist, green land: air pollution Prediction What kinds of pollution do you think the place have now Dirty air, smells bad, smog appears, see blue sky rarely… polluted river other water area; animals be harmed; safety of drinking water Noise from factories and outdoor construction, effects on human health and environmental quality Reading Summarize the main view points of the host and three guests A Points of view James Smith Vincent Brown Julie Archer Host Reading Points of view Supporting details James Smith Factories have caused water and air pollution and endangered public health. The river is dirty and smelly. (1) _____ _____ (2) _____ _____ The smog in the air has coloured the sky a smoky grey. It’s also given him a cough that he can’t get rid of. Reading Points of view Supporting details Vincent Brown Factories try to control the amount of pollution they produce. (3) _____ _____ Factories have brought economic benefits to Norgate. (4) _____ _____ Various measures have been taken, including the use of new technologies. They’ve created many jobs for local residents and helped the city’s economy grow. Points of view Supporting details Julie Archer The Norgate Environmental Protection Committee plays a major role in controlling pollution, but also has a duty to promote economic growth. They have to achieve a balance between environmental protection and economic development. (5) _____ _____ They’ve made environmental policies for businesses to observe, like strict clean-up requirements. Reading Reading Points of view Supporting details Julie Archer Different branches of government work together to ensure that development strategies can be followed in an environmentally friendly way. (6) _____ _____ They work hand in hand with other branches of government. Reading Points of view Supporting details Julie Archer Everyone should do their part to protect the environment. (7) three “R”s: _____ _____ (8) For example, save ener ... ...

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