
Lesson O Can You Fly 课件(共13张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:35次 大小:1983638Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson O Can You Fly 教学目标: 通过三个动物单词的引入,引导学生复习更多关于动物的单词,并大胆的进行模仿。 2. 能灵活运用“Can you ... ”“Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.”和“Why ” “Because...”进行问答。 3. 通过游戏、图片、表演、调查等培养学生的模仿、表演、运用英语交流的能力,激发学生学习英语的热情和兴趣。 二、教学重点、难点: 句型“Can you ... ”“Yes, I can. /No, I can’t.”和“Why ” “Because...”问答。 2. Because 的发音 3.大胆表演,灵活运用句型交流的能力。 Game: What's this bird tortoise monkey animals Can you say more animals and act(表演) them out 你能说出更多动物吗?边说便表演出来吧。 This is a farm. Some animals live (住) here. ... 一分钟时间,请想一想,说一说你是一种什么动物?你会/不会做什么?并加上你喜欢的动作表演出来吧! Imagine(想象): You are an animal.What are you What can/can't you do I'm a dog. I can shout. I'm an ant. I can't fly. I'm a/an ... . I can/can't ... . (为什么?) (因为) Let's talk and act(表演). Le Le: Can you _____ Ting Ting: Yes, I can. Le Le: Why Ting Ting: Because I'm a _____. jump rabbit 2 min: Work in groups and act them out. 两分钟小组合作,把对话表演出来吧。 Let's talk and act. Le Le: Can you _____ Ting Ting: No, I can't. Le Le: Why Ting Ting: Because I'm a _____. run snake 2 min: Work in groups and act them out. 两分钟小组合作,把对话表演出来吧。 Work in pairs. --Can you _____ / --No, I can't. --Why --Because I'm a _____. --Yes, I can. 5分钟: 1.完成导学案第一题, 2.两人一组合作,用喜欢的动物和动作,表演对话。 Do a survey .(做调查) Name Can/Can't Because Miss He :Le Le,Can you run 假如你们都是农场里的小动物,请采访一位同组伙伴会做什么?并记录在导学案第二题的表格里。(3分钟) LeLe Miss He :Ting Ting, Can you fly can run tiger Ting Ting can't fly panda Le Le: Yes,I can. Miss He : Why Le Le: Because I'm a tiger. Le Le: Because I'm a panda. Miss He : Why Ting Ting: No,I can't. 请整理你的调查表,完成导学案第三题后,上来做个汇报吧! Little Reporter(小记者): _____can _____. Because_____ is a _____. _____can't_____. Because_____ is a _____. LeLe run he tiger Ting Ting Name Can/Can't Because LeLe can run tiger Ting Ting can't fly panda fly she panda Summary: 1. Can you ... 2. Yes, I can. / No, I can't. 3. Why 4. Because... 你能够.....吗? 是的,我能。 不,我不能。 为什么? 因为...... Homework: Talk with friends and write down your dialogue. --Can you _____ / --No, I can't. --Why --Because I'm a _____. --Yes, I can. (和朋友交谈,写下你们的对话。) Thank you!

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