
Unit 3 Lesson 2 Buying a Present 教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:18次 大小:12985Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 A Birthday Party Lesson 2 Buying a Present教学设计 教学目标 知识与技能目标 能听懂、会说并能灵活地运用购物用语:Can I help you I want...How much is it It’s...yuan. Here’s the money. Thank you.能听懂、跟读、理解课文对话,并能综合所学知识仿编对话。 过程与方法目标 能积极参与活动,努力实践与展示自己;能通过与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;能积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。 情感、态度与价值观目标 学生有兴趣听英语、说英语、做游戏等;乐于模仿,敢于开口,课堂参与激情高;了解西方人买东西的习惯和方式。 学情分析 本课内容十分贴近学生的日常生活,学生兴趣浓厚,积极性高。加之五年级学生已有了一定的英语基础,能较快进入情境,学以致用。但购物时对价格的表达需要运用数字,而少数学生掌握数字不牢,会引起沟通上的障碍,甚至引起歧义。 重点难点 能听懂、会说并能灵活地运用购物用语:Can I help you I want...How much is it It’s...yuan.Here’s the money.Thank you.灵活运用购物用语进行表达与交流;通过游戏学习和巩固新知识。 教学过程 【导入】Lesson 2 Buying a Present Step1 Greetings Step2 Warm-up 1、Sing a song 《Happy Birthday to You》 2、Lead-in: What does Tingting want to buy Buy a present. 【讲授】Lesson 2 Buying a Present Step3 Presentation 1、出示课题,指导present、gift。 2、出示学习目标,让学生带着目标进行学习。 3、结合学过的句型复习本课单词。 4、教学How much is the... It’s ...yuan. 5、Play a game: Lucky 52 Rule:学生任意选择一个幸运数字,选择以后会出现幸运数字所代表的物品,请猜测此物品的价格。 6、教学Let’s talk. Listen and answer; Read by yourself, circle the words you can’t read; Let’s write T or F; Read the dialogue in different ways; Role play. 7、观看购物视频 8、Make up a conversation. 9、Play a game: Shopping time Rule:两人一组分别扮演买家(buyer)和卖家(seller)进行购物交易,要求使用所学购物用语进行对话,文明购物。 Step4 Summary Step5 Extension Step6 Homework 【活动】Lesson 2 Buying a Present 1、Play a game: Lucky 52 Rule:学生任意选择一个幸运数字,选择以后会出现幸运数字所代表的物品,请猜测此物品的价格。 2、Play a game: Shopping time Rule:两人一组分别扮演买家(buyer)和卖家(seller)进行购物交易,要求使用所学购物用语进行对话,文明购物。 【练习】Lesson 2 Buying a Present 一、Listen and answer 1. Who are they in the dialogue 2. What does Tingting want to buy 二、Let's write (T) or (F): 1.Tingting wants to buy a piano. 2.Tingting wants to buy a music box. 3.The piano looks like a music box. 4.The music box is 20 yuan. 三、Make up a conversation 【作业】Lesson 2 Buying a Present Homework 1.Buy: Buy a present for your father / mother on his / her birthday.(买一份生日礼物送给爸爸或妈妈。) 2.Make: Make a new dialogue about shopping.(新编一个关于购物的对话。) ... ...

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