
Unit 1 Lesson3 The sun is rising 课件(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:29次 大小:3751423Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Let’s sing a song. is rising, is coming, is melting, Come me. the hillside, is warming, blows gently, the trees. The sun is , Spring is , See it The change. One one The blossom, them one by one. The sun Spring The snow with Climb The weather The wind Through by flowers Enjoy rising coming bring season’s Unit 1 Lesson3 The Sun Is Rising The snow is melting. 雪融化了。 Presentation New words melt v. 融化 Climb the hillside. 爬上山坡。 hillside n. 小丘;山坡 The wind blows gently, 风轻轻地吹, wind n. 风;气流 gently adv. 温柔地;轻轻地 melt hillside wind gently v. 融化 n. 小丘;山坡 n. 风;气流 adv. 温柔地;轻轻地 Words Presentation The sun is rising, Spring is coming, The snow is melting, Come with me. Climb the hillside, The weather is warming, The wind blows gently, Through the trees. One by one, The flowers blossom. Enjoy them One by one. The sun is rising, Spring is coming, See it bring, The season’s change. Let’s sing a song. is rising, is coming, is melting, Come me. the hillside, is warming, blows gently, the trees. The sun is , Spring is , See it The change. One one The blossom, them one by one. The sun Spring The snow with Climb The weather The wind Through by flowers Enjoy rising coming bring season’s Fill in the blanks and then try to sing it out. The sun is _____, Spring is _____, The snow is _____, Come ____ me. _____ the hillside, _____ is warming, The wind blows _____, _____ the trees. The sun is rising, Spring is coming, See it _____ The _____ change. One ___ one The flowers _____, _____ them one by one. with Climb The weather gently Through by blossom Enjoy bring season’s rising coming melting read and fill weather nature scenery 自然风景 activities 1. the sun is rising. 2. the snow is melting. 3. the wind blows gently through..... it’s getting warmer! 1. the flowers (blossom) (one by one) 1. enjoy the flowers (one by one) 2. climb the hillside 1. one by one 一个接一个地 e.g. They came in one by one. 他们一个接一个地进来了。 They got on the bus one by one. 他们一个接一个地上了公交车。 类似的有: step by step 一步一步地 year by year 一年又一年 day by day 一天又一天 2. See it bring, the season’s change. 看它带来了,季节的变化。 change在本句中是名词“变化”的意思。它也可以作动词“改变”。例如: I changed my clothes. 我换了衣服。 The weather changes very often in England. 在英国,天气经常变化。 Sleeping lazily at dawn in spring, Sound of birdsong all around. Last night’s wind and rain still ring, How many blossoms blown to the ground Spring Dawn 怠惰地,懒散地 黎明,破晓 鸣响,嗡嗡作响 注释:blow “吹,刮”;blow的过去分词形式为blown,此处作定语修饰blossom,表示完成被动“被吹(到地上)”。 被吹 Read and enjoy the beautiful poem. Read and enjoy the beautiful poem. P7 Eg: I like running in the park. I like flying a kite. I love going for a picnic. I enjoy... Li Ming is my friend. He likes playing basketball. He enjoys going on a field trip to the countryside. He love ... ...

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