
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 History and traditions Reading for Writing 课件(16张ppt,内镶嵌视频素材)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:96次 大小:25089682Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 History and Traditions Period 5 (Reading for writing) 1.To learn about Ireland and its traditions; 2.To learn how to describe a place you like; 3.Learn to enjoy the beauty of your motherland or hometown. Learning aims Lead in What do you know about the UK Cliffs of Moher Emerald Isle kissing stone ancient castle the countryside of Ireland Pre-reading Beautiful Ireland and its traditions feast  dotted  music  Relax  traditional  friendly Fast reading Skim and fill in the blanks 1.What’s the main idea of the passage _____ 2.What words does the writer use to describe sensory details Sight (1) Smell (2) Taste (3) Hearing (4) Touch (5) The passage is mainly about the beautiful scenery and its traditions of Ireland. feast for the eyes sweet scent  delicious roar,cries,music of the coast,morning song  feel the sun on your skin Careful reading 1.What makes the Irish countryside exciting and inspiring A.Its long history.  B.Its great literature. C.Its different senses. D.Its true feast. 2.Which of the following cannot be seen in the“Emerald Isle” A.Many green counties. B.Rolling green hills. C.Sheep and cattle. D.Beautiful lakes. C D 3.Where can you enjoy Irish strong traditions A.In the library. B.In a village pub. C.By the sea. D.On the coast. 4.What should you do if you want to experience local culture and customs first-hand A.Meet a local guide. B.Introduce yourself to a friendly face. C.Surf the Internet. D.Have a trip with your parents. B B People in Ireland and Ireland’s traditions are 1.     (great) influenced by its beautiful countryside.During its long history,many great 2.     (poem) and writers appeared.The 3.     (peace) landscape of the “Emerald Isle” and its many green counties is a true feast for the eyes,with its rolling green hills 4.     (dot) with sheep and cattle.The roar of the ocean waves and cries of the seabirds make 5.      the music of the coast. greatly  poets  peaceful  dotted  up  Summary On a quiet morning in the mountains,you can feel the sun 6.      your skin,and take a 7.     (breathe) of the sweet scent of fresh flowers with birds 8.     (greet) the new day with their morning song.With all this beauty,it is not 9.      (surprise) that Ireland has developed strong traditions 10.      include music,dancing,and dining. greeting  surprising  that on  breath  Homework 1.Read the text. 2.Recite the last paragraph. Thank you!

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