
译林版(2019)选择性必修3 U1 Wish you were here Grammar and usage教案

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:55次 大小:36466Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《英语》(选择性必修·第三册) Unit 1 Wish you were here Grammar and usage I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: identify non-restrictive relative clauses; choose proper relative pronouns and adverbs for non-restrictive relative clauses; make sentences about how to be a sustainable tourist with non-restrictive relative clauses. II. Key competence focus 1. Work out the rules of non-restrictive relative clauses. 2. Apply the rules of non-restrictive relative clauses. III. Predicted area of difficulty 1. Use proper relative pronouns and adverbs in non-restrictive relative clauses. 2. Create sentences about how to be a sustainable tourist. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in T asks students to observe two sentences and tell a non-restrictive relative clause from a restrictive relative clause. T: We have learnt something about Canada, a land of diversity. Here are two sentences from the article. Please observe the underlined clauses and tell the differences between them. In the ten provinces and three territories which make up Canada, there is a great diversity in geography. To the east of the Pacific coast rise the grand Rocky Mountains, which are home to high peaks and deep valleys carved by ice and water. T: The former is a restrictive relative clause while the latter is a non-restrictive relative clause. A comma is usually used to separate the adding clause and the main clause of a non-restrictive relative clause. 【设计意图:温故而知新,学生通过观察已学的阅读文章中的两个句子发现两种定语从句的区别,引出非限制性定语从句的概念。】 Step 2 Exploring the rules T asks students to read an article and find the sentences with non-restrictive relative clauses. T: Here is an article about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism. Please read it and underline the sentences with non-restrictive relative clauses. Sample answers: These industries, in turn, give jobs to the local population, whose welfare depends on tourism. The prices of tourist essentials such as transport, accommodation and food usually increase too, which brings even more wealth to the surrounding community. More nature-centred tourist attractions, where man and nature live in harmony, can be greatly impacted or even destroyed by the flood of tourists. As resources are used more rapidly than they can be sustained, wildlife habitats are likely to suffer, which could endanger the local plants and animals. Local festivals and customs, which may have deep meaning in a particular culture, can simply become entertainment for tourists. 【设计意图: 学生从语境中初步接触到句法现象,理解非限制性定语从句的特征,体现“形式-意义-使用”三维语法观中形式与意义的契合。】 Step 3 Working out the rules 1. Learning about Rule 1 T asks students to go through the five sentences above and deduce Rule 1: We often use a non-restrictive relative clause to add extra information to a noun, pronoun or noun phrase in the main clause or the main clause. A comma is usually used to ... ...

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