
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 Out of this world Welcome to the unit & Reading (II)教案

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:89次 大小:40513Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《英语》(选择性必修·第三册) Unit 2 Out of this world Welcome to the unit & Reading (II) I. Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. master the following core vocabulary: absence, occupy, evaluate, maintenance, exposure, visible. 2. use the core vocabulary in new contexts; 4. Use word family to do some exercises; 5. analyse some complex sentences from the text. II. Key competence focus 1. Express oneself with core vocabulary. 2. Grasp and apply the skill of word family. 3. Understand the text precisely. III. Predicted area of difficulty 1. How to use the core vocabulary in new context; 2. How to understand some complex sentences in the text. IV. Teaching procedures T greets the class. T: Class begins, boys and girls! Good morning/afternoon! Step 1 B2P19 Learning the word family T: The lecture transcript uses many words created from the same root word. Together with the extended words, they can be classified into one family. The most common ways of making new words are compounding and affixation. Try to use affixation to fill in the tables. B2P19 Verbs Nouns Adjectives Adverbs adventure adventure adventurous adventurously differ difference different differently define definition definite definitely reward reward rewarding rewardingly remark remark remarkable remarkably T: Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the above words. 1. Health education wisdom in the UK _____ from that of the United States. 1. differs 2. For the more _____ tourists, there are trips into the mountains with a local guide. 2. adventurous 3. Generally speaking, giving is much _____ than receiving in the long term. 3. more rewarding 4. _____ of all words in this dictionary are printed in roman type. 4. Definitions 5. He concluded from their _____ that they were not in favour of the plan 5. remarks 【设计意图:此项是本单元的一项重要学习策略:word family (word formation),此处只对基本知识中affixation提示、运用和练习,较为复杂的讲解在本单元的微课Word formation中呈现。】 Step 2 Building core vocabulary T Present the core words and expressions and study them together with the students. 1. absence absence: being away absentee: person who isn’t present absence n. absent adj. absently adv. absentee n. absent-minded adj. absent-mindedly adv. absent-mindedness n. 2. occupy occupy: 1) live in or have possession of 2) take up or fill 3) hold or fill (an official position) occupied adj.: in use; filled occupation n.: 1) action of occupying or state of being occupied 2) job or employment occupy v. occupied adj. occupation n. occupy oneself (in doing sth./with sth.); be occupied in doing sth. (with sth. ) 3. evaluate evaluate v. : find out or form an idea of the amount or value of (sb./sth.); assess invaluable adj.: extremely valuable valueless adj.: having no value, worthless value v. evaluate v. evaluation n. value v. valuable adj. invaluable adj., valueless adj. 4. maintenance maintenance n. : 1) maintaining or being maintained 2) money that one is l ... ...

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