
典范英语二年级下册 Lesson 15 The Mud Bath 课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:61次 大小:16703124Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Read the phrases quickly, and do actions if you know its meaning. 快速的读出所看到的词组, 如果知道意思就同时做动作。 Quick response Play a game Rules: play football run with the ball fall over in the mud kick the ball Go on Dad! take a bath watch TV Sing a song What do you need for a bath bath cream沐浴露 shampoo洗发水 brush duck …… SIFLS Emma Zhang What did dad want to do Dad went up to the bathroom. He ran a bath. A. B. …… Why did dad want a bath Dad was playing football. He ran with the ball. “Go on Dad!” called Chip. “Kick it!” Go on Dad! Kick it! Dad fell over in the mud. Splat! “ Bad luck, Dad!” said Biff. Bad luck, Dad! “Oh Dad” said Mum. “What a mess.” “I want a bath,” said Dad. Oh Dad! What a mess! I want a bath. Dad was _____ _____. Dad _____ _____the ball. Dad _____ _____in the mud. What a bad _____! What a _____. What a _____. Dad wanted a _____! Chant playing football ran with fell over luck mess bath mess Drip! Drop! Drip! Plop! Plop! Splat! A B C Splash! Dad came down. There was football on TV. …… …… Go on! Kick it! …… …… …… Dad looked at the football. “Go on! He called. “ Kick it!” What happened then What was that Oh no! Splash! “Oh no,” said Dad. Chant Came down, came down. Dad came down. Football, football, football on TV. Bath, bath, forgot the bath! Drip! Drop! Drip! Drop! Plop! Plop! Splash! Mini-play Tips: 1.Eye contact 2.Voice 3.Intonation 语调自然 4. Acting. 表演到位 5. Teamwork 团队协作 The Mud Bath Dad has a bath -- but not the way he wanted. Homework Listen to the story and read it skilfully and dramatically. Write a new ending for the story. Thank you!

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