
牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第三册Unit 4 Protecting our heritage sites Assessment单元复习课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:85次 大小:330005Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Book 6 Unit 4 Protecting our heritage sites consult consultation cooperate cooperation interrupt interruption submit submission assign assignment expand expansion entry enter violent violence assess assessment pursue pursuit submitted cooperation Banned interruption to pursue assessed ruining urgently consultants consult architect architecture urgent urgency cooperation have cooperated interrupt interruption submission submit expansion expanded is suspended suspension Following Zhang's efforts access to new goods that some of you have heard about The more we acknowledge the more likely 回归课本 用书本内容填空 1.Have you ever been_____ (惊叹)by natural wonders and _____ (为人类文明感到着迷) 2.If so, you might already understand why UNESCO is fighting to _____(保护)sites of cultural and natural importance to mankind. 3. I have the belief _____ some of you have heard about UNESCO heritage sites or maybe even visited one! 4.Unfortunately, they face a variety of dangers and many of them are in _____(urgency)need of protection. 5.The long-term natural forces, such as wind, water and temperature, can gradually _____(侵蚀 )heritage sites. awed fascinated by human civilization preserve that urgent wear down 6.Natural disasters, the sudden and powerful natural forces, can lead to the _____(destroy) of heritage sites: in 2003, a terrible earthquake shook south-eastern Iran and ruined large parts of the city of Bam, an _____ (极好的)UNESCO cultural heritage site. 7.Sometimes, amazing ancient clay sculptures are accidentally_____ (destroy)by missile attacks during periods of _____ ( violent). 8.In some conflict areas_____ civil wars often break out, fighters have even destroyed heritage sites on purpose. 9.Meanwhile, World Heritage status may give rise to a series of problems,one of _____ is the flood of tourists. incredible destruction destroyed violence where which 10. It is only natural that the sites suffer a bit of _____ (磨损). 11.Every day, thousands of tourists climbing up the narrow stone steps are wearing down these ancient buildings and the long-term consequences could_____ . (给内部结构带来无法修复的破坏)。 12.Due to human population growth, the demand for production and _____(consume) of goods increases. 13.Widespread development _____ . (将我们自然遗产置于危险境地) 14.Many heritage sites are even at risk of_____(lose) forever. 15.The city _____ (recognize) as the musical capital of Europe since the 16th century, home to the likes of Mozart and Beethoven. wear and tear lead to irreparable destruction of the internal structure consumption puts our natural heritage sites in danger being lost has been recognized 16.It is now on the List of World Heritage in Danger due to __ _____ ( 高层建筑项目)in central Vienna. 17.Such dangers can have _____(灾难性的后果) not only for the sites themselves, but also for people. 18.Due to high seawater temperatures caused by global warming, a large ... ...

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