
五年级下册unit5 how much is it?Lesson 28 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:54次 大小:757267Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件12张PPT。Lesson 28Just practice Yang Ming: Dad, can I have a _____? Dad: For ____? Yang Ming: I want to listen to _____. Dad: That’s OK. Excuse me. Salesman: What can I do ____ you? Dad: I want to buy a _____. Salesman:How _____ this one? Dad: It looks ____. But I don’t like the colour. Can you _____ me the blue one, please? Salesman: ____. Here ____ are. Dad: How much is it? Salesman: It’s eighty five yuan. Dad: We’ll take it. Here is the _____. Salesman: Thank you. Bye-bye. Dad and Yang Ming: Bye.walkman English what forwalkman about nice pass Sureyou money What’s this in English? It’s a____.CDWhat’s this? Tape. How about this, what is it? It’s a ____.recorderWalkman.Radio .CDTape RecorderMatch the pictures with the right words.WalkmanRadio¥25.00¥55.00¥80.00¥60.00¥70.00How much is it? It’s eighty yuan.Group work: Role playing (8-12 mins) Work in 4s. One is the salesman/saleswomen, one is the examinant, checking the mistakes made in the playing, the rest two are pairs of friends, classmates or family menbers. Use the phrases on blackboard accordingly. Sores will be given based on your pronunciation, fluency and cooperation, ranging from 3-1.Let’s read and chant!4Thank you!

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