
【新课标公开课】Unit 6 I’m watching TV. SectionB 1a-1e优质课件+素材包

日期:2024-07-25 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:34次 大小:26198274Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 6 I'm watching TV. 人教新目标版 七年级下 SectionB 1a-1e优质课 Learning objectives 1. 能够听懂有关人们活动发生的地点的对话内容。 2. 能够谈论活动所发生的地点,加深对人们所从事活动的英文表达方式的理解。 3. 巩固现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答。 4. 养成在合适的地点做合适的事情的意识。 1.What is Grandpa Pig doing now 2.What is George doing now? 3.What is Mummy Pig doing now? 4.What is Daddy Pig doing now? Watch and answer the following questions. What are they doing? He is planting the seeds. He is playing with his ball. She is working on her computer. He is making soup. 现在进行时 be动词+动词ing I can find the rules: go look make take get sit 动词原型 going looking getting sitting making taking 动词ing 找规律 直接加ing 不发音e结尾,去e加ing 双写辅音再加ing 记忆口诀 双 去 直 lie tie lying tying 变ie为y,再加ing 改 注意: 双写规则: 1、辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母。 2、这三个字母所组成的音节必须是重读闭音节。 3、这三个字母当中的元音字母必须是发短元音。 swim shop put begin get cut What’s he doing _____. _____is he swimming _____. He’s swimming Where In the sea Look and fill. Presentation He is swimming in the sea. Is the girl swimming _____. _____is she swimming _____. Yes,she is Where In the swimming pool 在游泳池里 She is swimming in the swimming pool. What are they doing _____. _____ ____ they _____ _____. They are reading Where are reading At the library 在图书馆 They are reading at the library. Is she reading _____. _____is she reading _____. Yes,she is Where At home She is reading at home. What are they doing _____. _____ ___they _____ _____. They are shopping Where are shopping At the supermarket 在超市 ['su:p ,mɑ:k t] [ p] They are shopping at the supermarket. Is she shopping _____. _____is she shopping _____. Yes,she is Where At home She is shopping at home. Look at the plete the chart. 1a Places Activities 1. 2. 3. reading swimming shopping supermarket library pool pool swimming supermarket shopping library reading (books) Make sentences according to the pictures using present progressive tense. Then try to make new sentences like this. The man is swimming in the pool. People are shopping at the supermarket/mall. Students are reading books at the library. People are exercising in the park. ... 【用法详解】(1) shop作动词,意为“购物”,其-ing形式为shopping。go shopping意为“去购物”。 Can you shop with my sister 你能和我妹妹一起去购物吗? (2) shop还可作名词,意为“商店” ,常指规模较小的商店。 相当于store(美式表达)。 There is a flower shop near the cinema. 在电影院附近有一家花店。 shop v.购物 n.商店 Point Language points 1. shopping (教材P34 1a) do the shopping 购物 shopping bag 购物袋 shopping center 购物中心 shopping list 购物清单 My mother is shopping in the shop. 我妈妈正在商店购物 语境串记 【拓展延伸】shopping还可作名词,意为“购物”,与shopping相关的短语有: 1b 1b Look at the pictures in 1a. Then ask and answer questions. These expressions may help you swimming pool ... ...

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