
Unit9 Let's smell the flowers 第二课时课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:83次 大小:5200890Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 9 Let's smell the flowers! Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下) Hands up ,hands down (双手头上举晃腕,向下晃腕) Follow follow follow me Stand up sit down (起立,坐下) Follow follow follow me Let's turn around (转一圈) Follow follow follow me Let's sing a song(手拿话筒做唱歌状) Oh lei ,oh lei ,oh lei(双手头上晃两下) Go go go! Warm-up 元音 /ɑ:/ / :/ / :/ /i:/ /u:/ /e/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /e / /a / / / / / /e / / / / / /a / 辅音 /p/-/b/ /t/-/d/ /k/-/g/ /f/-/v/ /θ/-/ / /s/-/z/ / /-/ / /ts/-/dz/ /t /-/d / /tr/-/dr/ /h/ /l/ /r/ /j/ /w/ /m/ /n/ / / ride a bike骑自行车 talk谈话 shine照耀 listen to music 听音乐 read a book 读书 kick a ball 踢球 bounce a ball 拍球 ride a bike talk shine listen to music kick a ball read a book bounce a ball 1.It's a nice day, isn't it 2.Yes, it is. 闻花香 smell the flowers paint a picture 画画 吃午饭 have lunch 拍照 take a photo butterfly catch a butterfly 玩跷跷板 play on the see-saw see-saw play on the see-saw 玩跷跷板 catch a butterfly捉蝴蝶 smell the flowers 闻花香 paint a picture绘画 have lunch 吃午饭 take a photo 拍照片 smell the flowers play on the see-saw catch a butterfly paint a picture have lunch take a photo Look! Lots of children are playing in the park. 看!很多儿童都在公园里玩。 Yes, they are smelling the flowers. 是的,他们正在 闻花香的 味道。 Lots of +复数 单数child Let's go and join them. 加入 Good idea! Let's go. 好主意! It's a nice day, isn't it 今天的天气很好,不是吗? Yes, it is. 是的,的确是这样。 Look! Lots of children are playing in the park. 看!很多儿童都在公园里玩。 Yes, they are smelling the flowers. 是的,他们正在闻花香的味道。 Let's go and join [d n] them. 让我们去加入他们吧。 Good idea [a d ] ! Let's go. 好主意! 让我们走吧。 1.It's a nice day, isn't it 2.Yes, it is. 3.Look! Lots of children are playing in the park. 4.Yes, they are smelling the flowers. 5.Let's go and join [d n] them. 6.Good idea [a d ] ! Let's go. bread Happy Mother’s Day! These are for you. 小考听写 一.生词及短语 1.照耀 2.谈话 3.骑自行车 4.读书 5.听音乐 6.踢球 7.拍球 8.阅览室 9.图书馆 10.动物书 11.故事书 12.图画书 13.卡通 14.数学 15.语文 16.英语 17.音乐 18.体育 19.美术 20.科学 二.句子 1.我想要骑自行车。(2种) 2.我喜欢芒果。 3.我喜欢牛奶。 4.我喜欢拍照片。 (2种) 三.快乐 1.苹果 2.香蕉 3.芒果 一.生词及短语 1.shine 2.talk 3.ride a bike 4.read a book 5.listen to music 6.kick a ball 7.bounce a ball 8.reading-room 9.library 10.animal book 11.storybook 12.picture book 13.cartoon 14.math 15.Chinese 16.English 17.music 18.PE 19.art 20.science 二.句子 1.I’d like to ride a bike. I want to ride a bike. 2.I like mangos/es. 3.I like milk. 4.I like taking a photo. I like to take a photo. 三.快乐 1.apple 2.banana 3.mango 小考听写 Homework 1.听磁带10分钟背U8课文。 2.U9笔记内容 各写5英2汉背写下来。 3.3年快乐单词47-50 句子20 各写3英1汉背写下来。 ... ...

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