
新概念英语第一册一年级上册Lesson 107 It's too small课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:34次 大小:2481939Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Read 1 easy 2 hard 3 cheap 4 loud 5 sweet 6 low 7 big 8 small easier easier harder hardest cheaper cheapest louder loudest sweeter sweetest lower lowest bigger biggest smaller smallest 9 large 10 heavy 11 hot 12 clean 13 thin 14 fat 15 light 16 old 17 new 18 short larger largest heavier heaviest hotter hottest cleaner cleanest thinner thinnest fatter fattest lighter lightest older oldest newer newest shorter shortest Lesson 107 It’s too small. madam n. 夫人,女士 (对妇女的尊称) smart adj. 漂亮的 as well adv. 同样 suit v. 适于 pretty adj. 漂亮的 New words madam smart smart as well as well suit [su:t] pretty madam [5mAdEm] n. 夫人,女士 (对妇女的尊称) smart [smB:t] adj. 漂亮的 as well [Ez-5wel] adv. 同样 suit [su:t] v. 适于 pretty [5prIti] adj. 漂亮的 shop assistant madam a blue dress a lovely dress too small for... It’s too ... for... green lovely smart short in fashion Would you like to try it I’m afraid this green dress is too small for me as well. would like 想要 1)would like+ n. 2)would like to do It's _____than the blue one. smaller It doesn’t suit me at all. ...don’t / doesn’t suit ... at all. 1.at all 根本 2.not...at all 根本不... 3.suit v.适合 eg:suit me pretty a dress like that one must be my size I think the blue one is_____. prettier This is ___ _____ dress in the shop.(large) the largest colour lovely small for me smart in fashion try afraid too small smaller suit me blue prettier another must be largest 根据课文内容填空 A: ___ you like this ___, madam L: I like the ___ very much. It’s a ___ dress, but it’s too ___ ___ me. A: What ___ this one It’s a lovely dress. It’s very ___. Short skirts are ___ ___ now. ___ you like___ try it L: All right. I’m ___ this green dress is ___ small __ me ___ ___. It’s ___ than the blue one. I don’t like the color ____. It doesn’t ___ me ___ all. I think the blue dress is ____ . Could you ___ me another blue dress I ___ a dress ___ that one, but it ___ ___ my size. A: I’m afraid I haven’t got a ____ dress. This is ____ ____ dress in the shop. Lesson 107 Ⅰ:words &expressions: 1.short skirts短裙 2.fashion n. eg:1)in ~ 2)be in ~ 3.would like 想要 eg:1)~ a book 2)~ to try Would you like to try it 4.as well 同样;也 5.at all 根本 eg:1)not...at all根本不... 2)It doesn't suit me at all. 6.the dress like that one the shoes like those ones 7.Could you show me another blue dress Homework 1.单词:L107 4+1 2.语音分享 3.练习册 4.复习L101-106 5.下次课:

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