
Unit 3 My Friends Part C Story time课件(共24张PPT)

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:82次 大小:8210203Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Game ruler:(游戏规则) 全班将分为两大组,以爬楼梯的形式,如果本组组员回答出问题向上一步组员说Hooray!反之,没有前进的队员则说 come on.看看哪个组最先到达顶点,哪个组就取得了胜利。 Let’s guess !(猜一猜) It is small and white. It has two red eyes. It has a short tail. It has two long ears. Who is it turnip ['t n p] What do they like to eat (它们喜欢吃什么?) 有一天兔子外出觅食,它走进了一片萝卜地里,看见了又大又圆的萝卜,请你预测一下,会发生什么故事呢? Task1 Find the answer and underline the sentences(找出答案并在原文中划出关键句) 1.Can rabbit pull the turnip up by himself (兔子自己把萝卜拔出来了吗?) 2. Who comes to help the rabbit (谁帮助了兔子?) 3.Who is strong Can rabbit pull the turnip up by himself (兔子自己把萝卜拔出来了吗?) Task1 Who comes to help the rabbit (谁帮助了兔子?)Who is strong Task 1 、 、 、 and come to help. Monkey Dog Cat Zip Zoom Task 2 Can they pull the turnip up at last (他们最终能拔出萝卜吗?) Imitate the flash.(跟读录音) 要求:跟读时要模仿录音的语音语调,注意小兔子从发现萝卜、独自拔萝卜拔不动、招呼小伙伴拔萝卜到 最后成功的心情变化。 Let’s chant: Pull the turnip , pull the turnip. Hey-yo hey-yo pull it up. Hey-yo hey-yo pull it up. Come on friends, come on friends. Let’s pull pull pull pull pull it up. We’re coming , we’re coming. Let’s work work work work work together. One, two, three ,pull! One,two,three,pull! Let’s work work work work work together. Role play! (角色扮演) 扮演小贴士:7人一组,注意语音语调,可充分利用肢体语言来展示故事情景,如:在拔萝卜时可加上嘿哟嘿哟的语气词及肢体语言。 Discuss:(讨论) What did the story tell us (故事告诉我们一个什么道理?) Unity is strength. 团结就是力量。 一个人的力量是有限的,可是团队的力量却是…… Retell the story (两人一组,复述课文) The rabbit see a turnip, It’s too ,he pull it up. So, 、 、 、 and come to help him . Finally, they it up. big can’t Monkey Dog Cat Zip Zoom pull Homework:(二选一) 1.改编故事。设想如果zoom加入后,也没有将萝卜拔出来,接着会发生什么? 2.将拔萝卜的故事(英文版)讲给自己的朋友和家长听。

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