
Unit15 Fun in the playground 课件

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:53次 大小:5891454Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit15 Fun in the playground! Warm-up One finger, one finger, Turn turn turn, Turn to a toothbrush, Shua shua shua! Two fingers, two fingers, Turn turn turn, Turn to a rabbit, Jump jump jump! Three fingers, three fingers, Turn turn turn, Turn to a fork ,Cha cha cha! Four fingers, four fingers,Turn turn turn, Turn to a cat, Meow meow meow! Five fingers, five fingers, Turn turn turn , Turn to a tiger, Aw aw aw! 元音 /ɑ:/ / :/ / :/ /i:/ /u:/ /e/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /e / /a / / / / / /e / / / / / /a / 辅音 /p/-/b/ /t/-/d/ /k/-/g/ /f/-/v/ /θ/-/ / /s/-/z/ / /-/ / /ts/-/dz/ /t /-/d / /tr/-/dr/ /h/ /l/ /r/ /j/ /w/ /m/ /n/ / / 过生日的步骤是??? make a birthday cake 制作蛋糕 light candles 点蜡烛 sing a birthday song 唱生日歌 make a wish 许愿 blow out candles 吹蜡烛 give a present 送礼物 cut the cake 切蛋糕 eat the cake 吃蛋糕 Look,they are playing games. Let’s go and see. [' tlk k] [θr ] Throw the Shuttlecock [' tlk k] feather ['fe ] [re s] Feather Race ['m m k] [sa nd] Mimic the Animal Sound Back to Back Stand Three Leg Running Musical Islands ['mju z kl] ['aIl nd] Rabbit Hop Frog Hop Bear Walk Elephant Walk Kangaroo Walk throw the shuttlecock 扔毽子 feather race 羽毛比赛 mimic the animal sound 模仿动物声音 musical islands 音乐岛 Hurry up! They are having a race. Let’s go and see. ['h r ] jump highest [ha st] Who can jump highest run fastest ['fɑ:st st] Who can run fastest stand on one leg for a minute ['m n t] Who can stand on one leg for a minute Hurry up! Stand in a line. Each person can throw the shuttlecock three times. Come on! Come on! Who can jump highest Who can run fastest Who can stand on one leg for a minute 1.Hurry up! Stand in a line. Each person can throw the shuttlecock three times. 2.Come on! Come on! 3.Who can jump highest 4.Who can run fastest 5.Who can stand on one leg for a minute The giraffe is tall, but the goat is short. The elephant is big, but the frog is small. The girl is young, but the man is old. The girl is happy, but the boy is sad. This boy is hot, but that boy is cold. No Yes Yes No Yes Yes 9. Listen, point and say. 字母组合ay在单词中发[e ]的音。 Homework 1.听磁带10分钟背U15课文。 2.U15笔记内容 各写8英1汉背写下来。 3.4年快乐单词95-100 句子26-27 各写3英1汉背写下来。

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