

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:54次 大小:902765Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 江苏地区2023学年八年级下册期中备考真题汇编-语法词汇(100题)Ⅳ 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 一、根据汉语提示填空 1.(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级校联考期中)We went to a seafood restaurant on the fifth day and had a _____ meal.(美味的) 2.(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级校联考期中)The National Museum is open every day _____ Tuesday.(除了) 3.(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级校联考期中)The little girl will travel _____ (在国外) to learn more about art. 4.(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级校联考期中)_____ (最近), more and more people in our city have used the shared bikes. 5.(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级校联考期中)He often uses his computer for _____ (接收) emails. 6.(2022春·江苏宿迁·八年级统考期中)You can go to Mount Huang to enjoy natural beauty in any season _____ (除了) winter. 7.(2022春·江苏宿迁·八年级统考期中)Sam hardly has any good friends because he always _____(拒绝)to help other people. 8.(2022春·江苏宿迁·八年级统考期中)In modern society, people in our country often _____ (交流) with each other by Wechat. 9.(2022春·江苏宿迁·八年级统考期中)If you don’t go to the party, I won’t go, _____ (也). 10.(2022春·江苏宿迁·八年级统考期中)Jack is always dreaming of travelling around the _____(欧洲)countries. 11.(2022春·江苏宿迁·八年级统考期中)It snowed heavily. Our car crashed _____ (碰,撞) a tree. 12.(2022春·江苏无锡·八年级校联考期中)I offered to give him a lift, but he _____ (拒绝). 13.(2022春·江苏无锡·八年级校联考期中)It’s a pity that we can’t travel _____ (到国外) because of the epidemic situation now. 14.(2022春·江苏无锡·八年级校联考期中)If I have seen further, it is by standing on the _____ (肩膀) of Giants (巨人). 15.(2022春·江苏无锡·八年级校联考期中)On Saturday morning, every boy in town is happy _____ (除……之外) Tom Sawyer. 16.(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级景山中学校考期中)What will you do to _____ (支持) the fight against COVID-19 17.(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级景山中学校考期中)Whether Siheyuan should be kept or not is a hot topic under _____ (讨论) . 18.(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级景山中学校考期中)The Shenzhou 13 manned mission is a complete _____ (成功). 19.(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级景山中学校考期中)Switzerland lies between France, _____ (德国), Australia and Italy. 20.(2022春·江苏盐城·八年级景山中学校考期中)It’s really sad that the plane China Eastern MU5735 crashed on _____ (三月) 21,2022. 21.(2022春·江苏镇江·八年级统考期中)Everyone must stop environmental _____ (污染) to live a green life. 22.(2022春·江苏镇江·八年级统考期中)Our living _____ (条件) are getting better and better now. 23.(2022春·江苏镇江·八年级统考期中)My teacher always gives us much _____ (建议) on holiday safety. 24.(2022春·江苏镇江·八年级统考期中)Look! The man in a hat is _____ (捆) a tiger with a rope. 25.(2022春·江苏镇江·八年级统考期中)—Would you mind me _____ (采访) the workers in your factory —Of course not. 26.(2022春·江苏镇江·八年级统考期中)Cli ... ...

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