

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:83次 大小:1371596Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 期中必考题检测卷-小学英语六年级下册人教PEP版 一、单选题 1.I am 50kg. My sister is 52kg. I am _____ than my sister. ( ) A.thinner B.bigger C.heavier 2.We drank tea in the afternoon and _____ TV. ( ) A.watched B.watch C.see 3.There were no computers _____ Internet in my time. ( ) A.and B.but C.or 4.Tell us _____ your school, please. ( ) A.to B.about C.on 5.Mike looks tall. And Leo is even _____ than Mike. ( ) A.taller B.younger C.shorter 6.I _____ on the Internet. ( ) A.looked it up B.looked it for C.looked up it 7.—_____ was your weekend ( ) —It was fun. A.What B.How C.Why 8.Look! My shadow is getting _____. ( ) A.longer and shorter B.shorter and short C.longer and longer 二、中英互译:单词/短语 中英互译。 9.get down_____ 10.lower and lower_____ 11.越来越长_____ 12.shadow _____ 13.容易的 _____ 14.因为_____ 15.smarter _____ 16.美丽的 _____ 17.brighter_____ 三、补全句子 18.Amy r_____ a storybook yesterday evening. 19.Peter _____ (看电影) this Sunday. 20.—Did he _____ (呆在家里) yesterday —Yes, _____ (他是). 21.I am two years _____ (old) than you. 22.Last Saturday, Sarah v_____ her grandparents. 四、选词/短语填空 swimming food went ate pictures bought took gifts 23.I _____ fresh _____ last night. 24.I _____ _____ with my father yesterday. 25.Last summer, my mother and I went to Hainan. We _____ _____ and _____ _____. 五、句图匹配 A. B. C. D. E. 26.—What did you do last weekend ( ) —I saw a film. 27.—What did you do last Sunday ( ) —I played the piano. 28.—What's wrong with you ( ) —I had a cold. 29.—Did you go to the bookstore ( ) —Yes, I went there with Peter. 30.—What did you do last night ( ) —I did my homework. 六、排序题 31.句子排序。 ( ) I’m 1.6 metres. What about you ( 1 ) What’s your name ( 3 ) How old are you ( ) My name’s John. ( ) I’m 12 years old. ( ) Me, too. How tall are you, John ( ) I’m 1.52 metres. I’m shorter and thinner than you. ( ) Do sports every day! Goodbye! 七、选内容补全对话/短文 Ken: Hello, Wu Binbin. ___32___ Wu Binbin: I'm going to buy a pair of shoes at a shoe store. Ken: ___33___ Wu Binbin: Size 39. How about you Ken: My shoes are size 40. My feet are bigger. ___34___ ___35___ Wu Binbin: I'm 1.68 metres. But I think you are heavier. ___36___ Ken: I'm 55 kilograms. Wu Binbin: Yes, you are heavier. I'm 50 kilograms. A.How heavy are you B.What are you going to do this afternoon C.How tall are you D.What size are your shoes E.But you look taller than me. F.How old are you 八、连词成句 连词成句。 37.man, we, old, meet, an (.) _____ 38.let, to, us, go, the, together, park (.) _____ 39.teacher, our, tells, an, interesting, us, story (.) _____ 40.book, on, your, is, left, the, red (.) _____ 九、阅读选择 Today was hot. I went to the farm with my parents. There was a river near the farm. I went to the river with my dog. We ran and played. Suddenly I dropped (掉进) into the river ,“Help , Help…” My dog jumped ... ...

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