ID: 15457595

外研版选修6 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships—Friendship Reading 导学案(无答案)

日期:2025-03-06 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:11次 大小:22013B 来源:二一课件通
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Interpersonal Relationships-- Friendship B6M3 Introduction Warming up We all have friends but we may treat our friends in different way. There are 7 statements. Please check the statements you agree with.--A1P29 A1P29--Check the statements you agree with. A2P29--Match the words with their meanings. A3P29--Read the statements again. Match the words in Box A with the words in Box B. A4P29--Discuss the statements and explain why you agree or disagree with them. Reading and Vocabulary A1P30--Read the beginning and end of the passage. What do you think the story is about Divide this passage into 3 parts Part 1: (Para.__– __ ):I learnt about Roy and made friends with him. Part 2: (Para.__):Unhappy things happened to Roy and he changed completely. Part 3: (Para.__– __):I found out Roy’s secret and I helped him in secret. A2P30--Answer the questions. Fill in the blanks. The first time I met Roy Surrounded by a group of boys, Roy was _____. I thought he was _____. During my five years in the class I felt _____ at the new school. Roy _____ me and we became good friends. Just under a year ago Roy's father died in a car accident, after which Roy became _____. He was not interested in his work any more and started _____. We're no longer close. One day I followed Roy and knew that because of lacking money, Roy _____. Roy _____ there, but he also need to talk. A few days later I told our teacher about Roy’s situation and our teacher _____. Retell Roy’s story 1. The first time I met Roy,...... 2. During my five years in the class,...... 3. Just under a year ago,...... 4. One day,...... 5. A few days later,...... Translate the proverbs about friendship into Chinese 1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2. A friend is easier lost than found. 3. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 4. He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs. 5. A friend without fault can never be found. Listening and Vocabulary A1P33--Read the passage on page 33 and answer the questions below. A2P33--Read the passage in Activity 1 again and answer the questions. A3P33--Read the passage again. Match the words in Box A (yellow) with the words in Box B (pink). A4P33--Listen to Liao Mei talking about her friendships. She says five things that are different from the statements in the passage in Activity 1. Say what they are. A5P34--Listen to the passage again and answer the questions. Tape script (Part 1) My name is Liao Mei and I’m 20 years old. I’m an only child, and my _____ are very important to me. Ever since I was a kid, my parents always made sure that I had other children to play with, so I never felt _____. I’ve also been very lucky because I’ve always had a best friend, someone who I’ve been really _____. My best friend since the age of 11 was a girl called Wang Chaosu. We met at secondary school. We’d both just started there. I remember _____ her for the first time. I was walking home from school and she was going the same way. So we walked home to ... ...

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