
上外版(2020)高中英语选择性必修第四册Unit 1 Achieving Effective Communication Grammar 教学设计

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:61次 大小:127096Byte 来源:二一课件通
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《高中英语(上外版)》选择性必修第四册 Unit 1 Achieving effective communication 课时:第 3课时 课型:Grammar 一、教学设计与说明 1. 教学目标 本课为本单元的第三学时,目标在于引导学生对复合句进行复习,培养学生多使用 复合句进行书面写作的意识并最终能采用复合句对“沟通”这一话题进行表达。 2. 教学思路 本课为本单元的第三课时,在学生已经熟悉课文材料的基础上,进一步加深学生对于 “如何克服舞台恐惧症”的印象,并通过复习课文来分析文中所用的从句形式。在能找出 并分析出文中所用从句的基础之上,再引出课本中关于“如何做演讲”的语篇,在理解文 章之后根据提示对文章中的简单句进行修改,运用逻辑关系将其改为复合句。接着,学生 将进一步运用简单句改复合句的技巧,自行将一篇关于海伦·凯勒的语篇进行修改、打磨, 练习使用从句的同时,将语篇内容逐渐过渡到“语言障碍”这一话题,为下一课时 Reading B做好内容上的铺垫。 3. 重点难点 本课的重难点在于引导学生体会简单句构成的语篇和复合句构成的语篇,并能恰当地 运用学过的复合句替代简单句来提升语篇语言的丰富性和流畅性。 Lesson Plan By the end of this period, students will be able to: 1. identify different clauses that they’ve learned before by Reading A; 2. properly apply complex sentences in rewriting a communication-related passage; 3. understand how to make a public speech and learn about the experience of Helen Keller and her communication barrier by finishing rewriting exercise. Procedures: 1 I. Interactive activity 1: Review *T: Ask students to recall the clauses and their subordinators that they’ve learned before. *Ss: Name the clauses and list the subordinators. Purpose: To help students to have a systematically general review of the clauses. Guiding questions: 1. How many clauses have you learned What are they 2. Can you list at least three frequently used subordinators for each kind of clause Clauses: Relative clause: that/which/who/when/where/why/prep.+which Adverbial clause: when/where/because/so that... Noun clause: what/whether/that/how.... II. Independent activity 2: Identify the clauses in the text *T: Ask students to locate the complex sentences in the text. *Ss: Underline the complex sentences in the text. *T: Ask students to identify what kind of clause the sentence is. *Ss: Identify the complex sentences. Purpose: To help students to get familiar with the application of different kinds of complex sentences. Guiding questions: What kinds of complex sentences are applied in the text Can you give examples from the text III. Activity 3: Rewrite sentences. 2 *T: Ask students to finish task 1 on page 8. *Ss: Finish the task. *T: Ask students what the difference between the passage with simple sentences and the one with complex sentences is. Purpose: To help students learn to replace the simple sentences with the complex sentences in proper cases and realize the importance of complex sentences. Guiding questions: 1. Here is a passage about how to give a public pared with Mark Twain’s speech, it is filled with simple sentences. Can you rewrite the sentences underlined (An example has been given.) 2. After rewriting, please read y ... ...

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