
Unit 2 Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking(共16张PPT)人教版(2019) 必修第三册

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:24次 大小:238598Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Morals and virtues Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking 听力微技能 判断说话者的态度 在听力对话中,要想理解说话者的态度,不仅要获取说话者表达的内容信息,还要关注说话者的语气、语调和语速等,并据此来判断说话者的态度。比如说话者语速快而且声音大,说话者可能就比较激动或者非常生气。 听力试题 1.What does the woman mean A.She asks the man to see the computer first. B.She can’t see the computer. C.She is eager to see the computer. 2.What does the woman think of the programme A.Exciting.   B.Fun.   C.Boring. 由以上两题的题干和选项可知这两道题考查说话者的态度,我们在听时既要注意听说话者表达的内容,还要注意听说话时的语调和语速。 听力原文 原文1 M:I’ve just ordered a new computer.It’s twice the speed of the one we’ve got now and much better for games. W:Really I can’t wait to see it. 原文2 M:Do you mind if I change the channel W:Of course.This programme is very good and it makes me laugh all the time. 听原文,第一段材料中女士回答时语气激动,再结合内容“can’t wait to”可判断女士对所提及的事件极为感兴趣;第二段材料中女士的回答很干脆,直接否定男士的做法,据此可判断对事物的态度。 听前先清障 写出下列话题词汇 1. 道德困境 2.the student next to her 她旁边的那个学生昏倒了 3.put first 将他人的需要放在第一位 4. her chance to get into medical university 放弃进入医科大学的机会 5. others 照顾他人 moral dilemma fainted the needs of the other person give up care for 听前先清障 6. 偿还 7.show to someone else 对别人表示善意 8. 出毛病 9.the of kindness 善心(举)之链 10.spark in others 让别人散发光芒 pay back kindness break down chain light 教材听力训练(课堂精彩PPT,高效集训) 语音小知识 升调 本单元语音部分主要学习和巩固英语的基本语调之一:升调。英语中的升调是一种相当复杂的语音现象,它既可以用来表示说话者对所说的内容不肯定、表达的意思不完整、所说内容未结束或准备继续与对方保持对话,也可以表示疑问、惊讶、怀疑、犹豫、感兴趣、不自信、没有安全感等情绪,还可以表示礼貌、请求、建议等。在英语口语中,最常见的使用升调的情况有: 语音小知识 用法 例句 1.用于一般疑问句 Have you read this↗book? Do you like the↗movie? 2.用于选择疑问句的前半部分(即or之前的选项) Does he speak↗English or↙French? Would you like↗tea or↙coffee? 语音小知识 3.用于置于句首的状语短语或状语从句 If it rains↗tomorrow,I’ll stay at home. According to her↗words,she met that man at the cinema. 4.用于并列句的第一个分句,表示句子未说完 The telephone↗rang,but nobody answered it. He heard a↗crash and went out to see what had happened. 语音小知识 5.用于呼唤对方 ↗Sir,you dropped your car key. Goodbye,↗Tom. 6.用于列举事物 ↗One,↗two,↗three,↗four,↙five. She bought↗bread,↗milk,↗potatoes and↙tomatoes. 语音小知识 7.用于委婉的祈使句 Don’t↗worry. Wait a↗moment. 8.用于反意疑问句的后半部分,表示不确定的态度或征求对方的看法 You don’t speak ↙Cantonese,↗do you?(The speaker thinks that you don’t speak Cantonese but is not completely sure and asks for confirmation.) 语音小知识 9.高升调(High rise)用于疑问句中表达 ... ...

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