
Module 4 Unit 10 Great storybooks同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:24次 大小:23000Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 10 Great storybooks 判断各组划线部分的发音是相同(S)还是不同(D). ( )1.train space tail ( )2.tiger cry yes ( )3.how throw now ( )4.yogurt yes yellow ( )5.bare are bear ( )6.him hi hour 用所给词的正确形式填空。 Both adults and children _____ (like ) their stories. I am _____ (strong) than you. Do you like_____ (read) stories. Children around the world enjoy _____(read) his stories. The Grimm brothers _____ (are) German writers.They _____ (collect)a lot of stories. 选择填空 ( )1.The Grimm brothers were_____ writers. German B.Germans C.Germany ( )2._____ beautiful it is! What B.How C.Where ( )3.We can usually learn something _____ these stories. from B.on C.in ( )4._____ . It’s about a beautiful princess. What is it about Where is it Who is it ( )5.He _____ his clothes. take B.took C.takes Where are the stories from Match the stories with the books. ①Aesop’s Fables ② Andersen’s Fairy Tales ③Grimms’Fairy Tales a. The ugly duckling b. The wind and the sun c. Little Red Riding Hood d. Snow White e. The emperor’s new clothes f. Cinderella g. The fox and the grapes h. The farmer and the snake 五.Think and write What stories did you read Write about a story you like. Story: _____ Writer:_____ The story is about_____ _____ _____. 答案: S D D S D D Like stronger reading reading were collected A B A A B b g h a e c d f 略

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