

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:87次 大小:12109769Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2022学年第二学期质量监控 高三英语试卷 (参考答案) 2023.4 Listening comprehension(共25分。1-10,每题1分;11-20,每题1.5分。) 1-10 BBCDA BAADC 11-13 ABD 14-16 ADA 17-20 CBCB II. Grammar and Vocabulary(共20分。每小题1分。) 21. was launched 22. although 23. employing 24. (being) done 25. had spent 26 may/might 27. who 28. in/ on 29. more advanced 30. to create 31-40 IGFBK AHCDE III. Reading Comprehension(共45分。41-55,每题1分;56-70,每题2分。) 41-55 BDABD CACBA DBBDC 56-59 ACCB 60-62 CDC 63-66 BBDC 67-70 BEFA IV. Summary Writing(共10分) According to the basic principles of Montessori schools, children are encouraged to finish tasks with little or no help of adults. It cultivates not only their independence but also cooperation ability. Besides, children can learn to stay focused on their task with all their senses. Children can also develop their abilities in reading, writing, calculating and interactive skills. V. Translation(共15分)3+3+4+5 72. You should learn to quote some specific examples to illustrate your points more clearly. You should learn to illustrate your points more clearly by quoting some specific examples. 73. The newly-released film is anchored in ordinary people’s daily life, so/ and it is warmly welcomed. 74. Helping children learn how to deal with the conflict between traditional customs and modern technology is challenging, but it is a skill that they must have a good grasp of/grasp. What successful people have in common is that despite terrible setbacks/ despite the fact that they have suffered terrible setbacks, they still have a positive attitude towards life and realize their dreams with a strong will. VI. Guided Writing(共25分) 略2022学年第二学期质量监控 高三英语听力 Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and a question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. W: Excuse me. I’m new here. It’s my first day actually. I’m looking for my office, but... M: Oh, hello. Look I’m really sorry, but I can’t stop, you see, I’m late for a meeting. You can go to the front desk for help. Q: Where is the man hurrying to go 2. M: Everything’s done. Shall we leave the hospital now and get some lunch Then I will drop you off at school. Is that okay W: Sounds great. I feel like some fish. Q: Where does the conversation probably take place M: If you walk through the rain, you will get very wet. So take my car. W: Don’t bother. I think I’ll go home by bus. M: OK, it’s up to you. See you tomorrow, then. W: See you. Q: How will the woman go home W: Could you sign this form for school, please, Dad M: Let’s see it. Oh, you’re going on a theater trip W: Yes, everybody from Shakespeare Clu ... ...

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