
典范英语2a Lesson7 The Little Dragon课件+素材(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-10-07 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:36次 大小:84440958Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 典范英语课程 2a Lesson 7 The Little Dragon What did the children do The children put on a play. What’s the name of the play The little dragon. Listen and read Eyes on your book Ears to listen Finger to point Mouth to read out Was it a good play 小小模仿王,语音我最强! 猜词大赛 我最厉害 国王 king 骑士 knight 在树底下 under the tree 公主 princess 池塘 pond 害怕 frightened 推 pushed 和...一起玩 played with 龙 dragon 演了一出戏 put on a play 决斗 fight king pond u:oo push igh fight igh knight Can you read Can you read dragon dra gon prin cess frigh ten ed princess frightened play with play with put on put on a play a play king 国王 fight 决斗 push 推 pond 池塘 dragon 龙 frightened 害怕 knight 骑士 princess 公主 push dragon frightened fight pond king princess knight Who had a puppy Mrs May had a puppy. What was the puppy called It was called Sniff. The Lost Puppy ran off upset looked couldn’t Could anybody find Sniff No. Who found Sniff Floppy. Where was Sniff Sniff was by the tree. Funny points Actually what did Floppy look for Floppy looked for his bone. How did Sniff get Floppy’s bone Floppy ran after a beautiful dog. It was called _____. 它的名字叫 Kitty。 Teddy。 Kitty Teddy __ couldn’t find the ____. 找不到 。 妈妈 他们 Mum They 耳环 猴子 ear-rings monkey 挑战来啦!Make sentences! Shining, shining Reading show! The End 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 兼职招聘: https://www.21cnjy.com/recruitment/home/admin

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