
人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Using Language课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:28次 大小:18435419Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教版(2019) 英语 选择性必修三 Unit 4 ADVERSITY AND COURAGE Reading and Writing 目录 Warming up 01 Pre-writing 02 While-writing 03 Post-writing 04 Imagine we were members of the crew, what can we eat and drink and how What else can we do on the island How can we cheer ourselves up Warming up 01 Possible answer: I predict that the crew members struggled with keeping warm in the terrible conditions. They also would have found it hard to find food and make fire. The ice would have been moving and breaking too, which would be very dangerous. I predict that Shackleton would be successful in rescuing his men, though I am not sure if all of them survived for that long. Warming up 01 Pre-writing 02 1. What did the men eat and drink on the island The men ate the meat of sea creatures and drank water from melted ice. 2. What were the dangers of living on the island The dangers of living on the island were the changing temperatures, lack of food and water, and the black smoke from burning animal fat. 3. How did the men stay in good spirits while waiting to be rescued The men stayed in good spirits by being disciplined and staying positive. They celebrated birthdays, festivals, and every time when they caught a sea animal. 4. What do you think were the key reasons for their survival I think the key reasons for their survival were their discipline and positive mental attitude, as well as the reliability of Shackleton. Pre-writing 02 Background of the story Shackleton and five members left Elephant Island to look for rescue while other crew members stayed on the island Problems they faced got drinking water made fire food problem were ill Solution melted ice from the ocean the only fuel they could use was animal fat varied the meals of sea animals not to go outside Things that helped discipline, team spirit, and celebration of birthdays, festivals and small achievements Result: they were finally rescued Pre-writing 02 Let’s write Based on the diary entries and the memoir you have read, write an essay about the story of Shackleton and his men on the ship Endurance. 本单元的写作任务是根据本单元的故事写一篇短评。写作时需要注意以下几点: 1.简要介绍故事发生的时间、地点、人物;事件发生的起因、经过、结果; 2.对故事中的人物进行评论; 3.最后阐述你对这个故事的感受并解释你的感受。 第一步 审题谋篇 [审题] 写作要求是根据本单元的故事写一篇短评。写作时应注意下面几点: 1.确定文体:这是一篇短评,写作中应注意短评的常规格式。 2.主体时态:文章应以一般过去时为主。 3.主体人称:由于是写一篇短评,所以人称应该以第三人称为主。 对这篇文章进行概要写作时,首先要注意归纳每段的主题句和关键词。 Para. 1: 简述目前情况; Para. 2-4: 重点介绍滞留在象岛上等待救援遇到的麻烦和困境。 Para. 5: 讲述永不放弃的精神支撑大家坚持。 Para. 6: 讲述最后获救时大家的心情。 谋篇 1.欧内斯特·沙克尔顿和他的船员们登上了名字为“坚忍”号的大船。(aboard;Endurance) Ernest Shackleton and his crew the ship _____ . 2.不幸的是,途中“坚忍”号被冰块困住 ... ...

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