
典范英语2a lesson21 Kipper’s Balloon 课件+素材(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:79次 大小:9629636Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 典范英语课程 2a Lesson 21 Kipper’s Balloon Do you like balloons? Kipper also likes balloons. Listen and read Eyes on your book Ears to listen Finger to point Mouth to read out 小小模仿王,语音我最强! How many balloons did Kipper buy 猜词大赛 我最厉害 买东西 went shopping 雕像 statue 气球 balloon 追 ran after 厕所 toilet 把它拿下来 got it down 超市 supermarket 飞走了 fly-flew away 买 buy-bought ough bought ow down ew flew Can you read , er after shopping shop ping balloon bal loon toilet toi let supermarket su per statue Can you read mar ket sta tue away a way balloon 气球 supermarket 超市 toilet 厕所 buy-bought 买 run after 追 statue 雕像 课堂故事会 Story time “Oh no!” said Dad. Kipper bought a balloon. The balloon went bang. Kipper bought a new balloon. Dad saw a balloon. Dad chased it. Dad got the balloon down. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Story Comprehension L21 Kipper’s Balloon What would they do with the balloon Would Kipper keep it Discussion Would they let the balloon go Would they look for the child who lost the balloon Funny points Why did Dad think it was Kipper’s balloon Because Dad went to the toilet when Kipper bought a new balloon. Shining, shining Reading show! Balloon! Balloon! Kipper got a red balloon. Balloon! Balloon! The balloon went bang. Balloon! Balloon! Kipper bought a new balloon. Balloon! Balloon! Dad chased the balloon. Oh no! Oh no! It’s not Kipper’s balloon. Phonics b-b-b 下课三部曲 Put everything in your bag. Stand up. Push your chairs. The End 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 兼职招聘: https://www.21cnjy.com/recruitment/home/admin

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