
热点话题6 关注学生心理健康 -备战2023中考英语高频话题和热点话题写作课件精讲(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:87次 大小:366161Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 关注学生心理健康 热点写作话题 6 【话题解读】 中学生处于青春发育期,是人生的第二次成长高峰。其生理、自我意识等方面在迅速发展,是人一生中发展最关键的时期。但这一阶段也是学生最容易出现心理健康 问题,面对时下中学生问题日益增多,中学生心理健康教育是应引起我们认真重视的一个话题。 学校心理社团针对初三同学面临中考压力大的问题进行心理普查,发现以下4个问题比较突出,急需解决。请你想出解决办法,用英语写信给社团负责人王老师进行投稿。 Problems Solutions Worrying about marks too much Being busy with homework every day Making the same mistakes again and again Not being good at PE believe in yourself achieve a balance between... be careful whenever you study take some exercise 注意:1、短文须自拟,要求观点明确, 词句通顺, 意思连贯,符合题意。 2、词数100个左右,开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 3、短文必须写在答题卡指定的位置上。 Dear Mr. Wang I’m very glad to share my suggestions with you. _____ 写作指导 1.题干解读:该题目属于给材料的书信作文。首先在写作时应承接短文开头,引出学生面临的问题;然后依次介绍学生面临的四个问题并给出解决办法。最后要按照书信格式结尾,落款。 2.写作指导:本文采用一般现在时;人称主要采用第一人称和第三人称,在介绍学生问题时用第三人称,介绍自己的建议时用第一人称。在介绍问题和建议时要注意句式的变化,避免句式单一化。 Dear Mr. Wang I’m very glad to share my suggestions with you. It’s very important to pay attention to teenage problems. Some students worry about marks too much, I think they should believe in themselves and work hard on the subjects. Some students think they are busy with homework every day and don’t have time for their hobbies. Maybe they can try to achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies. If students keep making the same mistakes again and again, they should be careful whenever they study. What’s more, if students are not good at PE, I hope they can take some exercise after school. I hope you think my advice is worth taking. Best wishes, Li Hua 假如你是心理咨询员Sigmund Friend,近期你收到初三学生Jack的来信,请针对Jack的问题,给他提些建议。 Dear Sigmund Friend, I have just entered Grade 9, but we have so many exams. And every subject is even harder than before. I have a lot of homework every day. Sometimes I find it difficult to finish it. So I often stay up late. In the daytime. I always feel tired and sleepy.Also, I am often in a bad mood these days. Whenever my parents ask me about my school life, I just feel very unhappy and angry.What should I do Can you offer me some advice I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Jack 要求:1. 意思连贯,符合逻辑,书写工整。2. 词数80字左右。开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Jack, Thank you for your letter. I know as a student in Grade 9, you have some problems. I hope I can help you. _____ 1. 题干解读:这篇作文要求考生根据Jack来信中的问题,写一封回信,给他一些处理问题的建议,属于书信类写作。 2. 写作指导:审题可知,这篇短文应以第二人称和一般现在时为主,以第一人称和一般过去时为辅来叙述。写作时承接开头,要针对 ... ...

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