
Module 1 Unit 2 How does it feel?单元检测(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:84次 大小:162095Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【优选 -提升卷】四年级下册英语单元检测 -Module 1 Unit 2 How does it feel?牛津上海版(试用本) 满分:100分 一、单选题(共16分) 1.Listen! I can play A.a piano B.piano C.the piano 2.—How many fish the girl —Three. A.has B.have C.are 3.Mark's recorder is in his bag. A.a B.the C./ 4.Where's recorder A.Mice B.Mices C.Alice's 5.Katty's drum is beside drum. A.Katty's B.her C.Alice's 6.The cat the mouse. A.is chase B.is chasing C.chasing 7.Tom play the guitar. A.can B.is C.has 8.I reading a story. A.can B.am C.have 二、单词拼写(共13分) 9.看图完成字谜 ⑴   ⑵   ⑶   ⑷   ⑸    10.—Where is Jimmy's recorder —It is         . 11.—Whose crayons are these —They're      . 12.—What can Danny play —He can          . 三、语法填空(共7分) 13.—   does your father do —He's a policeman. 14.—   is your brush — It's 20 yuan. 15.—    are your socks —They are black. 16.—    is it —It's a square. 17.—   are Peter and Danny — In the library. 18.—   is he —He's my father. 19.—   are you —I'm ten years old. 四、情景交际(共12分) 20. —What are the monkeys doing —            . 21.—Has Miss Fang got a violin —         . 22.读问句选答语 ⑴Can you play the piano     A. In September. ⑵Is there a gym at the school     B. No, I can't. ⑶How many pupils are there     C. That's 34 yuan ⑷When is your birthday     D. There are sixty-five. ⑸How much is the book     E. Yes, there is. 五、补全对话(共5分) 23.读对话,选择正确的选项。 A. Can she play the piano B. It's delicious. C. Is she strict D. Who is our music teacher E. I'd like some beef noodles. Cindy: Look! There are photos of our teachers. Tom: Yes.     Cindy: Miss Zhu, she is a great music teacher. Tom:     Cindy: No, she is very kind. Tom:     Cindy: Of course, she can. She is good at playing the piano. Look at the clock. It's eleven thirty now. Time for lunch. What would you like Tom:     What about you Cindy: I'd like some chicken. Tom: Me too.     六、排序题(共5分) 24.给句子排序构成对话    Good morning, How are you    No, I can't. I can play the guitar.    I'm fine, thank you.    I can draw. Can you draw    What can you do 七、句型转换(共5分) 25.The students have a football. (用basketball 改成选择疑问句) _____ 26.Please put your book in your bag. (改为否定句) _____ 27.Those are elephants. (改成单数句) _____ 28.This is Peter's bicycle. (对划线部分提问) _____ 29. I like reading storybooks. (用 he替换I ,其他地方作相应的变化) _____ 八、完形填空(共7分) 30. I'm Jennifer. Listen! My mother is (1) the piano. She's a (2) music teacher. That's my father. He (3) playing computer. Now he's on line. I'm in (4) room. I'm (5) a story-book. This book is very (6) I like (7) very much. (1)( )A.looking B.reading C.playing (2)( )A.young B.new C.old (3)( )A.like B.likes C.can (4)( )A.my B.his C.your (5)( )A.looking B.reading C.watching (6)( )A.inte ... ...

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