
外研版 必修三 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China课件(共55张PPT)

日期:2024-09-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:58次 大小:3026944Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2023年高考英语复习专题课件★★★ 1.national heroes 民族英雄 2.a leading figure 一位领军/主要人物 3.a famous figure 一位知名人物 4.the founder of ………的创始人 5.a great/brave/successful/gifted… 一位伟大的/勇敢的/成功的/有天赋的…… 6.be awarded the title of 被授予……的头衔 7.be considered/regarded/recognised as 被认为是 8.be thought of as 被认为是…… 9.be referred to as 被称为…… 10.be greatly influenced by his thoughts 深受他的思想影响 11.set a good example to/for 为……树立好的榜样 12.move the whole world forward 推动整个世界的进步 13.have a great talent/gift for 在……方面有很大天赋 14.have a good reputation 享有盛誉 15.give a fine performance 表现出色 1.It is considered that Leonardo da Vinci is the greatest painter of all time. 人们认为莱昂纳多·达·芬奇是有史以来最伟大的画家。 2.Born into a poor family,Charles Dickens had little education. 出生在一个贫困的家庭,查尔斯·狄更斯几乎没有接受过教育。 3.With his wise thoughts about nature and the world,Confucius is considered as a great thinker in the history of China. 由于对自然和世界的卓越思想,孔子被认为是中国历史上一位伟大的思想家。 4.As for my favourite figure in Chinese history,it must be Wei Yuan,a great thinker in the late Qing Dynasty. 至于中国历史上我最喜欢的人物,那一定是晚清伟大的思想家魏源。 NO.1 单词———在语境中应用,在拓展中巩固 01核心词汇………………………………………… 请根据汉语提示完成下列词块 1.an act of _____ 善举 2.carry out the _____ as told 按命令行事 3.dissolve _____ 缓解压力 4.____ light/colors柔和的灯光/颜色 5.the human _____ 人类生存的状况 kindness order stress soft condition 02拓展词汇………………………………………… [先识记] 1.equal adj.平等的;相等的vt.比得上n.同等的人;相等物→_____ n.相等;平等→_____ adv.平等地;相等地 2.stress vt.强调→_____ adj.有压力的→_____ adj.焦虑的 3.importance n.重要;重要性→_____ adj.重要的→_____ adv.重要地 equality equally stressful stressed important importantly 4.kindness n.善良→____ adj.善良的→_____ adv.善良地 5.influential adj.有影响的→_____ n.& vt.影响 6.honesty n.诚实→_____ adj.诚实的→_____ adv.诚实地→_____ adj.不诚实的 7.justice n.公正→____ adj.公正的adv.仅仅 8.contribution n.贡献→_____ vi.& vt.贡献;捐献 9.invent vt.发明→_____ n.发明→_____ n.发明家 kind kindly influence honest honestly dishonest just contribute invention inventor 10.argument n.争论;辩论;议论→_____ vi.& vt.争论;辩论 11.freedom n.自由→____ adj.自由的;空闲的;免费的→_____ adv.自由地;空闲地 12.soft adj.柔软的→_____ adv.轻声地;温柔地;柔和地→_____ vi. & vt.(使)变软;使柔和 13.philosophy n.哲学→_____ n. 哲学家 argue free freely softly soften philosopher [再运用] 请填入括号内单词的正确形式 1.He is a very _____ person.He has an important _____ on people’s ideas.(influence) 2.I dislike their _____ but they often _____ with each other about some small matters.(argue) 3.His great ___ ... ...

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