
Unit2 Cities Let's check课件(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:67次 大小:8810953Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Starting line Unit2 Cities Let’s check 学生能够根据主题重组旅行计划。 学生能够提取旅行计划的包含要素(场所名称、位置、交通、活动和情感)。 学生能够综合运用所学语言介绍旅行计划,并评判其是否恰当。 Learning goals: Travel plan to Beijing Badaling Great Wall Location: in Yanqing district How: take the bus Activities: climb up the Great Wall and enjoy the mountains Feeling: amazing on the top of it Travel plan to Beijing Tian’anmen Square Activities: watch the flag-raising ceremony and take photos How: take the subway line 1 Where: in the centre of Beijing Feeling: proud of being Chinese Travel plan to Beijing Summer Palace Activities: climb the hill and visit famous galleries How: take the subway/taxi Where: in the centre of Beijing Feeling: well-known and beautiful Travel plan activities transportation places feelings location let's play a bomb game Different places in the city city hotel square street sports center Where are these different places Toy shop Park Sports centre Cinema Who can you see Lily Bill Joy Binbin How do they go there By bus On foot By car By train Let’s guess: _____(who ) goes to _____(where ) _____(how ) Let’s listen and match. Let’s check answers. Let’s retell. Lily goes to the sports centre by train. Bill goes to the toy shop by bus. Joy goes to the cinema by car. Bibib goes to the park ro go boating on foot. What different places can you see in the map Where are they Let’s talk about the map. Where is the sports centre It is across from the restaurant and next to the hospital. Where is the square It is across from the cinema and next to the hospital. Where is the restaurant It is on Orange Street. And it is next to the hotel. Where is the cinema It is next to the park and across from the square. Where is the hospital It is between the square and the sports centre. Where is the park It is between the hotel and the cinema. And it is across from the hospital Where is the park It is between the hotel and cinema. Let’s read and complete. Let’s correct answers. Sports centre Let’s correct answers. Sports centre square Let’s correct answers. Sports centre square hotel cinema Let’s listen and repeat. Sports centre square hotel cinema

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