
Module2 Unit5 My family语音课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:22次 大小:41299608Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 2 Unit 3 Families Wat ch & answer We dig. Let‘s Read Dig and dig,for the fig. The figs,so big. Thanks for the pig. Try to read wig jig The Kid and a pig Story Time The kid. The pig. Sat in the lid. Hid in the lid. Slid and slid. Hit a big hill. The kid. The pig. The lid. The kid and the pig. The kid and the pig sat in the lid. The kid and the pig hid in the lid. The lid slid and slid. The kid and the pig hit a big hill. Try to read Homework u时Pm a凡 Quality seeds e 上5 AOM WHERE IS THE FAT 8 MATTO 素材公社t0001)e1.com素材编号:766154 R ● 。 ● 绿 孕 指 操 笔 ◆ 除 雅 警 晚 容 金 学 导 的 2 叠 购 中 的 2 食 ● 经 命 ● 修 昵图网wuww. By8有愧无 No.20120622130815975000 指指罗 昵图网wwu.nipic.eom By:fei881121No.20120807172313621000 0 W 45 KiNGs ≥LONDON 1≤ CROSS qipic.com Ψ 职 0 P & Q P G C C C 2 y bim 孤 bim 于下孤 比 One kid wears a bib. Two kids sit on a mat. Three kids mix colors. Four kids fix a rib. 1.Les2 ad the w0ds.(下面的单河你会滨了吗?璃你实一滨). dig fig big JIG Rig wig jig kid te hidu lid slid hit- sit pit- hill mill b训 fin pin mix fix bib. rib 2 00

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