

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:70次 大小:15610780Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2013-2014学年八年级英语上学期期末检测题 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共85分) 一、听力部分 第一部分 听对话回答问题(计10分) 本部分共有10道小题,每 道小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到"嘀"的信号后,进入下一小题。 5. Where are they A. At the restaurant. B. In the park. C. At home. 6. What's the man going to do A. To buy a new watch . B. To find someone to repair his watch. C. To buy a new shirt. 7. What did the woman do yesterday evening A. Saw a film. B. Looked after her baby. `C. Went to a match. 8. What time did the man get up A.7:00. B.7:45. C.7:15. 9. What's their relationship A. Doctor and nurse. B Teacher and student. C. Father and daughter. 10. What kind of animals does Liz like best A. Monkeys. B. Dogs. C. Pandas, elephants and cats. 第二部分 听对话和短文答题(计10分) 你将听到一段对话和 两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟时间在屏幕上点击你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11--12小题。答题完毕,请等待"嘀"的信号,进入第一篇短文。 11. What did the man do last night A. He studied and p layed tennis. B. He read his textbook and watched TV. C. He read his textbook and played cards. 12. Why did the match only last for half an hour last night A. Because the ma tch wasn't interesting. B. Because BBC didn't broadcast the whole match. C. Because few people liked to watch it. 听第一篇短文,回答13--15小题。请根据短文内容。选择正确的答案,完成信息记录表。答题完毕,请等待"嘀"的信号,进入下一篇短文。 Cambridge The origin (来源) of its name River Cam and ___11__over it The history of Cambridge It was founded ___12___ The population of Cambridge now ___13___ than one million 13. A. a bridge B. a building C. a Big Ben 14. A.80 years ago B.800 years ago C.820 years ago 15. A. more B. less C. not more 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。答题完毕,请等待"嘀"的信号,进入测试的第三部分。 16. When is Mr. Shute free A. In summer. B. In winter. C. On New Year's Day. 17. How long did Mr. Shute stay in a city A. For two months. B. For two weeks. C. On New Year's Day. 18. What kind of dog does Mr. Shute have A.A small dog. B.A strong dog. C.A young dog. 19. Who did Mr. Shute go to see the next morning A. His parents. B. His friend C.A doctor. 20. Who took the medicine at last A. Mr. Shute. B. Mrs. Shute. C. The dog. 二、单项选择从下列每题所给的四个选项中, 选择一个最佳答案。(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 21. The boys even have no time for their homework _____ the basketball match. A. because of B. because C. as D. since 22. The old man got on the bus, but nobody _____ for him. A. made a space B. made spaces C. made space D. made a room 23. Parents _ _____ good conditions _____ us. We should be grateful to them. A. provide, to B. provide, for C. protect, to D. protect, for 24. _____, do you know the name of the film A. By the wa y B. In different ways C. In some ways D. In fact 25. — How many babi ... ...

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