

日期:2024-09-25 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:83次 大小:427792Byte 来源:二一课件通
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保密★开考前 2023年小学六年级毕业考试试卷 英语 姓名:_____考试证号: 注意事项: 1、本试卷共6页,满分为100分,考试时间为90分钟。 2、答题前,请将姓名、考试证号用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔填写在本卷和答题卡指定位置。 一、单选题(共15分) 1.I want to be a _____ and go _____ around the world. ( ) A.traveller; travelling B.travelling; travel C.traveller; travel 2.I’m so thirsty. Do you have any _____ here ( ) A.oranges juice B.orange juice C.sweet pies 3.Eric likes playing _____ football and playing _____ piano very much. ( ) A.the; / B./; the C.the; the 4.Mr Li teaches _____ English. We all like _____. ( ) A.our; him B.us; her C.us; him 5.There are _____ months in a year. My birthday is in the _____ one. ( ) A.twenty; twentieth B.twelve; twelfth C.twenty; twelfth 6.Road _____ is very important. We must keep _____ on the road. ( ) A.safe; safety B.safety; safe C.safely; safe 7.My little brother lost his favourite toy. He _____. ( ) A.talked excitedly B.danced beautifully C.cried sadly 8.They talked _____ their plans _____ the summer holiday _____ Monday. ( ) A.about; for; on B.to; for; in C.with; of; on 9._____ stories _____ good for you to study Chinese. ( ) A.Writing; are B.Write; is C.Writing; is 10._____! That sign _____ danger. ( ) A.Look out; means B.Look for; means C.Look out of; means 11.My father _____ newspapers when he _____ the metro yesterday. ( ) A.read; take B.read; took C.will read; will take 12.There _____ an interesting show here the day after tomorrow. ( ) A.is going to B.will have C.will be 13.It’s Helen’s birthday today. Look! _____ a nice cake! ( ) A.What’s B.What C.How 14.We _____ eat or drink in the library. We _____ keep quiet. ( ) A.must; can B.should; shouldn’t C.shouldn’t should 15.—_____ you happy last summer holiday ( ) —Yes, I _____. A.Were; was B.Was, wasn’t C.Were, were 二、用单词正确形式填空(共5分) 16.Our classroom is on the _____ (three) floor. 17.Mum did all the housework _____ (easy). 18.Mark and Mary are from different _____ (country). 19.I _____ (study) in Canada in 2022. 20.The girls will use the bottles _____ (make) clothes in the show tomorrow. 21.He wants to be a football _____ and _____ in the World Cup. (play) 三、补全句子(共15分) 22.Mr Green worked for a long time last night. He _____ (感觉困倦的) today. 23.I want to be a dentist, because many children don’t _____ (关心) their teeth. 24.The lion looked at the mouse and _____ (大声地笑起来). 25.I will _____ (拜访我的祖父母) in Beijing next month. 26.From then on, Jim and Jill _____ (成了好朋友). 27.Linda always _____ (把她的物品整理得井井有条). It’s a good habit. 28.Bobby likes e_____nice food. 29.She plays the piano well. She wants to be a _____ in the future. 30.Sometimes we can’t find a zebra crossing, so we can wait on the _____. 31.William has too much meat every day. His _____ isn’t healthy. 32.The kid doesn’t feel good. Let’s take him to the h_____. 33.I’ll go ... ...

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