ID: 15693243

Module 2 Unit1 A New Classmate Funny Cartoons课件(共36张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:28次 大小:1318302B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 牛津沪教课标版 Unit1 A New Classmate Funny Cartoons long tall short big small short Hello! My name is Pinocchio. I’m 9 years old. I’m tall and thin. I like singing. Look at me. My eyes are big. My ears are big. My hair is short. My nose is small. I’m a cool boy. Look at me. My eyes are ____. My ears are ____. My hair is ____. My nose is ____. I’m a cool boy./ I’m a beautiful girl. Who did it I don’t know. My nose is long! Why tell a lie 说谎 You tell a lie. You are not a good boy. Who did it I don’t know. My nose is long! Why You tell a lie. You are not a good boy. Who did it I don’t know. Act My nose is long. Why You tell a lie. You are not a good boy. I can’t find(找到)my book! Where is it I have two big eyes. I can see with my eyes. Here it is. Here you are. Thank you! You are a good boy. I wash my hands with water. I wash Spotty with water. I can’t find(找到)my book! Where is it I have two big eyes. I can see with my eyes. Here it is. Here you are. Thank you! You are a good boy. My nose is not so long. Where’s my cat I have two small ears. But I can hear with my ears. I can help you. Look! It’s under the tree. Thank you. I have two big eyes. I can see with my eyes. I have two small ears. I can hear with my ears. I have two __ eyes. I can __ with my __. I have two __ ears. I can __ with my __. I have ___ (nose/mouth). I can ___(eat/sing/smell…) with my ___(nose/mouth). I have ___ (arms/legs/hands). I can ___ with my ___(arms/legs/hands). Oh! My nose is short now. I’m happy. Who did it I don’t know. My nose is long! Why You tell a lie. You are not a good boy. I can’t find my book! Where is it I have two big eyes. I can see with my eyes. Here it is. Here you are. Thank you! You are a good boy. My nose is not so long. Where’s my cat I have two small ears. But I can hear with my ears. I can help you. Look! It’s under the tree. Thank you. Oh! My nose is short now. I’m happy. Act the story Look at me. My eyes are ____. My ears are ____. My hair is ____. My nose is ____. I’m a cool boy./ I’m a beautiful girl. I have two __ eyes. I can __ with my __. I have two __ ears. I can __ with my __. I have ___ (nose/mouth). I can ___(eat/sing/smell…) with my ___(nose/mouth). I have ___ (arms/legs/hands). I can ___ with my ___(arms/legs/hands). Hello! My name is ____. I’m ___ years old. I’m ____. I have _____. My arms _____. I have _____. I like ____(singing/dancing/swimming…). I can help people. My eyes are ____. I can ___ with my ___. I can ___ with my ___. Do you want to be my friend HW 1. Read the story to your parents. 给父母讲一讲这个故事。 2. Finish the introduction. 完成自我介绍。

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