

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:84次 大小:292414Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    登录二一教育在线组卷平台 助您教考全无忧 山西省吕梁市离石区光明小学2022-2023学年六年级下学期英语三月月考测试卷 一、听句子,依次给下列图片标号1-5(10分) 1.(2023六下·离石月考) 听句子,依次给下列图片标号1-5。                     二、听问句,选答语(每小题2分,共 10分) 2.(2023六下·离石月考) 听问句,选答语(  ) A.I had a cold and slept yesterday. B.I cleaned my room last weekend. 3.(2023六下·离石月考) 听问句,选答语(  ) A.She read a book yesterday. B.He washed his clothes yesterday. 4.(2023六下·离石月考)听问句,选答语(  ) A.I'm 1.64 metres. B.I 'm twelve yesterday. 5.(2023六下·离石月考) 听问句,选答语(  ) A.John is stronger than me. B.John is older than me. 6.(2023六下·离石月考) 听问句,选答语(  ) A.No, she doesn't. B.Yes, he does. 三、听录音,补全下列句子(每小题2分,共10分) 7.(2023六下·离石月考) Did you     a film last weekend 8.(2023六下·离石月考) She     her room yesterday 9.(2023六下·离石月考) My dress is     than yours. 10.(2023六下·离石月考) His bag is     than hers. 11.(2023六下·离石月考) He     at home and watched TV. 四、按要求完成下列单词(每小题2分,共10分) (2023六下·离石月考) 按要求完成下列单词 12.have(过去式)    13.heavier(反义词)    14.big(比较级)    15.get(-ing形式)    16.sleep(过去式)    五、用所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题2分,共10分) 17.(2023六下·离石月考) My pencil is     (long) than yours. 18.(2023六下·离石月考) Mike     (clean) his room yesterday. 19.(2023六下·离石月考) Amy often     (read) books every evening. 20.(2023六下·离石月考) Did you     (wash) your clothes last weekend 21.(2023六下·离石月考) My mother     (see) a film last night. 六、单项选择(每小题2分,共10分) 22.(2023六下·离石月考) I'm ____ than you. A.4 cm taller B.taller 4 cm C.4 taller cm 23.(2023六下·离石月考) How ____ your holiday A.did B.was C.is 24.(2023六下·离石月考) Who is ____ Your mother or father A.older B.little C.young 25.(2023六下·离石月考)M: How ____ are you W: I'm 50 kilograms. A.old B.tall C.heavy 26.(2023六下·离石月考) I want to ____ the new film magazine. A.bought B.buy C.buying 七、读一读,作选择,补全下列对话(每小题2分,共10分) (2023六下·离石月考) 读一读,作选择,补全下列对话 A. How heavy is she B. How old is she C. Where're you going D. How tall is she E. Who's that girl M: Hello, how are you W: I'm fine, thank you. M:  27.   W: She's my sister. M:  28.   W: She is ten years old. M:  29.   W: She's 1.56 metres. M: Oh! She's taller than my sister. She looks thin.  30.   W: She's 35 kilograms. M: She's thinner than me.  31.   W: We're going to go to the library. M: How are you going there W: We'll walk there. It's not far. 八、按要求完成下列句子(每小题2分,共10分) 32.(2023六下·离石月考) Ben is 50 kilograms. Peter is 52 kilograms. Ben is        Peter. 33.(2023六下·离石月考) I cleaned my room yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)     you     your     yes ... ...

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