
Lesson 43 A Visit to Chinatown 课件(37张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:71次 大小:75019427Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us 冀教版 英语九年级全一册 Lesson 43 A Visit to Chinatown 学习目标 Curriculum words: smart, decoration, fork, underground, lantern, dragon, fair Useful expressions: I had a bowl of noodles, and I used chopsticks and a spoon instead of a fork and a knife. Danny and I watched a wonderful dragon dancing performance during the Spring Festival last year. Functions: Master the new words: smart, decoration, fork, underground, lantern, dragon, fair Grammar: although Sentences: But we do have lots of fun. I hope I can go to Chinatown again to see the Spring Festival. 新课导入 Look at the two pictures above. What festivals are they Now let′s learn something about them. 新课讲解 THINK ABOUT IT What do you usually do to prepare for the Spring Festival What Western festivals are celebrated in China 课文呈现 It′s Saturday evening. Li Ming,Jenny and Brian are chatting online. Jenny:Hi Li Ming!Guess what we did today! Li Ming:I have no idea. Did you go shopping?I know Christmas is coming. Brian:You are smart. But did you know that we went shopping in Chinatown Li Ming:Really?Did you have a good time Brian:Yes. We bought a big Christmas tree,some decorations and gifts. I really enjoyed the lunch we had there. I had a bowl of noodles,and I used chopsticks and a spoon instead of a fork and a knife. Jenny:My parents love to have lunch and shop there, although parking is a problem. My dad had to park his car in the underground parking lot. Li Ming:Do they speak Chinese there Brian:In the stores and restaurants, people spoke English to me,but many of them speak Chinese to each other. And there were red lanterns everywhere. Jenny:Danny and I watched a wonderful dragon dancing performance during the Spring Festival last year. Li Ming:That′s interesting. I hope we have a North American town here. Brian:Then you can celebrate Christmas and get gifts from Santa Claus. Li Ming:I love Santa Claus. Do you believe it's Santa Claus who brings you gifts ,Brian Brian:Of course not. Only little kids believe that. But we do have lots of fun. Jenny:What do you usually do during the Spring Festival,Li Ming Li Ming:There are so many special things about the Spring Festival. Young children usually get gifts—lucky money. We eat dumplings and many other delicious foods. We have temple fairs and all kinds of performances. It′s the most important festival in China. Brian:I hope I can go to Chinatown again to see the Spring Festival. Let ′s Do It ! Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F). 1 Jenny and Brian went shopping in Chinatown.(  ) Jenny and her parents live in Chinatown.(  ) There′s a North American town in China.(  ) Some Chinese people eat dumplings during the Spring Festival.(  ) T F F T What utensils do you usually use?Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks. 2 glass fork spoon chopsticks knife plate bowl When you eat noodles,you usually ... ...

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