
【新课标公开课】Unit9 What does he look like? SectionA 1a-2c 优质课件+素材包

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:62次 大小:24825338Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit9 What does he look like 人教新目标版 七年级下 SectionA 1a-2c 听说优质课 Learning objectives 1.Key words & phrases: curly; straight; tall; medium; height; be of medium height; thin; heavy. 2.Key sentences: 1). —What does your friend look like —She's of medium height, and she has long straight hair. 2). —Is he short or tall —Well, he's really tall. And he has curly hair. 3.To learn to describe people's looks . 4.Don’t judge the others by their looks! Warming-up What do you look like 你长什么样 How do we describe people’s looks 我们怎样描述人们外表? height build hair /b ld/ 体型,身材 /haIt/ 高度 头发 shape形状 length长度 color颜色 height /ha t/ short of medium height tall / mi di m/ A:What does he look like B:He is . Presentation 中等的 build of medium build thin heavy /θ n/ / hevi/ A:What does he look like B:He is . A:What does she look like B:She has (长有,留有) . hair short hair long hair curly hair straight hair /stre t/ 直的 / k (r)li/ 卷曲的 hair shape color length curly short straight black long brown The boy has _____, _____ and _____ hair. The girl has _____, _____ and _____ hair. Tip: 长短+形状 +颜色+头发 long straight short curly black brown 21教育网 of medium height curly hair straight hair heavy of medium build 黑色长卷发 金黄短直发 又瘦又高的 Let's translate. 矮胖的 中等身高 Quick response 1. height: He/ She is tall. He/ She is of medium height. He/ She is short. 2. build: He/She is heavy. He/She is thin. 3. hair: He/She has short straight hair. She has long curly hair. (描述头发的顺序:长短+形状+颜色) Summary What does she/he look like ……长什么样? (没有头发:have/has no hair或者用be+形容词bald) Match the words with the people in the picture. You can use some letters more than once. 1. short hair ____ 2. curly hair____ 3. long hair____ 4. straight hair_____ 5. tall____ 6. short_____ 7. medium height____ 8. thin_____ 9. heavy_____ e a h b, h a, e, f 1a f g c d f Look the picture in 1a and answer. 1. How many people are there in the picture 2. Where are they 3. What are the two girls doing 4. Can you describe the people in the picture Pre-listening A: Is that your friend B: No, it isn’t. A: What does he look like Is he short or tall B: Well, he’s really ____. And he has _____. tall curly hair Now listen again and find out Amy’s friend in the picture. Then tell why you choose him. 他高还是矮? 1b Listen and fill in the blanks in the picture above. Can you find Amy’s friend What does she/he look like ……长什么样? 该句型意为“……长什么样?”,用于询问某人的外貌。常用“主语+be+描述人物外貌特征的形容词.”或“主语+have/has+一个或多个形容词+名词.”回答。 如:—What does your sister look like 你姐姐长什么样? —She is very tall. She has short curly hair. 她很高,留着短短的卷发。 【拓展延伸】“What + be +主语 +like ”意为“……是什么样的人?”,多用于询问某人的性格或品质。答语中的形容词通常是用来修饰人的性格或品质的词,常见的有:friendly(友好的),strict(严格 ... ...

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