
湘少版六年级英语下册-口语能力提升(上) 知识讲义(含答案)

日期:2024-05-21 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:22次 大小:1013106Byte 来源:二一课件通
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小学英语 口语能力提升(上) 学习目标 1. 了解提高口语能力的重要性。 2. 学习并掌握提高口语的方法和途径。 提升口语表达能力。 【技巧点拨】 在英语学习中,有的同学笔试成绩好,口语却很糟;在交际活动中,吞吞吐吐、结结巴巴等等。分析起来,大都是以下原因:学生对口头表达不感兴趣,表达时注意力不集中。那么怎样才能解决口语表达中存在的问题呢? 一、培养兴趣 语言作为一种工具,其最终目的是为了交际。我们中国的学生学习英语的一个最大障碍就是不敢开口说。学生只有在自己能开口说英语并能驾驭所学的语言知识时,才会有成就感和满足感,因此,要不遗余力地培养自己说英语的兴趣。 二、课堂学习 1. 认真听教师用英语组织的课堂教学语言,跟随教师的问题和指导启发,要试着“开口说话”。一开始会有些不习惯教师用英语讲课,但是,随着教师缓慢的语速和几次的重复,渐渐地,就会熟悉教师的语言,就能融入英语学习的氛围中。 2. 充分利用老师提供的直观教具,如图片、模型和实物等,因为它们是极好的非条件刺激,其学习效果之佳是显而易见的。当然,你要张嘴抢着说,让自己眼看图片和词形,口读耳听词音,使多种感官同时都参与了学习活动,就能更有效地提高课堂的学习效率。珍惜老师课堂上的英语多媒体教学。要在注重鲜活的画面,可爱的动画的同时,也能够综合利用视听觉,把语言和音响的不断冲击转变为自己的知识。 3. 在学习对话时,教师一般会创设简单的情景,这时,要积极地抓住老师让学生进行展示的机会,和同伴进行表演会话,这样,既练习了自己的胆量,又在体验了生活的同时,自然习得语言知识。切忌“等等再说”,因为课堂上40分钟是有限的,教师不可能让时间在等待中流逝。 【实战演练】 1. 关于比较: (1)口语佳句 A: What kind of life do you prefer, city life or country life B: In comparison to city life, the country life is quiet and peaceful. A: But it doesn’t have all the modern convenience offered by the city. B: Yeah, I agree. Every coin has two sides. (2)口语演练 A: Where are you going this weekend B: I’m going to Hainan. A: Oh really It’ll be nice and warm there. Have you been there before B: Yes, actually it’s my second visit. I was there last October. A: I see. What’s it like there B: Well, the life style is much more relaxed than here in the city. And the seafood is tastier! A: Well, have a great time! Q: What’s Hainan like 答案:The life style is much more relaxed than here in the city. And the seafood is tastier! 2. 关于健康: (1) 口语佳句 A: Hey, you look great! How’s everything B: Yeah, you know what I’ve been going to the club regularly. The training really pays off. Now I am in a good shape and I know more about how to keep fit. A: Really Tell me about it. I haven’t gone to the club for a long time. I am too busy with work. B: It’s important to do proper exercises. A: You’re right. Too much or too little won’t do any good. B The trainer tells me, besides regular sports activities, I should also have a healthy and balanced diet. A: Sounds reasonable. (2)口语演练 A: I can see you’ve got some color back in your cheeks. B: Yes, I find jogging does good to me, so I keep on doing it. A: You’ve formed a sound habit. B: I think so, too. Q: What is the woman’s sound habit 答案:Jogging 【Let’s Speak】 观察下面的图片,说一下周末你和家人 ... ...

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