
人教版(PEP)六年级下册 陈述句 总复习课件(共25张PPT)

日期:2024-06-11 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:29次 大小:1095324Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 小学毕业总复习 英语 课 时 学 练 测 第二篇 专项提升 第三部分 句 型 巩 固 第一节 陈述句 知识梳理 考点精析 目录 过关检测 在英语中,根据句子用途的不同,可以分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句四类。此外,there be句型作为一种特殊而重要的句型,在小学阶段也应注意掌握。 知识梳理 一、陈述句的概念 陈述句是用来陈述事实或者说话人的看法的句子。它包括肯定句和否定句两种。在书写时,句末用句点;在朗读时,用降调。如: This is a nice book. 这是一本好书。( ) Susan likes maths very much. 苏珊非常喜欢数学。( ) My father doesn't go to work on the weekend. 我爸爸周末不去上班。( ) They aren't going to climb the mountain this Saturday. 这个星期六他们将不去爬山。( ) 二、肯定句变否定句的基本方法 1. 句中含有be动词的句子:变为否定句时只需在be动词后加not。如: I am in Grade Six this year.→I'm not (I am not) in Grade Six this year. 今年我上六年级。→今年我不上六年级。 Mike is going to play football this afternoon.→Mike isn't (is not) going to play football this afternoon. 今天下午迈克将去踢足球。→今天下午迈克将不去踢足球。 These are red apples.→These aren't (are not) red apples. 这些是红苹果。→这些不是红苹果。 It was a fine day yesterday.→It wasn't (was not) a fine day yesterday. 昨天是晴朗的一天。→昨天不是晴朗的一天。 We were happy at that time.→We weren't (were not) happy at that time. 我们在那时真开心。→我们在那时不开心。 2. 句中含有情态动词的句子:变为否定句时只需在情态动词后加 not。如: Peter can fly.→Peter can't (can not) fly. 彼得能飞。→彼得不能飞。 You should stop smoking now.→You shouldn't (should not) stop smoking now. 现在你应该停止吸烟。→你现在不应该停止吸烟。 3. 句中含有实义动词的句子:谓语动词为实义动词的句子变为否定句时,要根据人称和时态选用助动词do的相应形式(do, does, did),并在其后加 not。如: I like listening to music.→I don't like listening to music. 我喜欢听音乐。→我不喜欢听音乐。 My father likes playing sports.→My father doesn't like playing sports. 我爸爸喜欢做运动。→我爸爸不喜欢做运动。 Grandma does housework every day.→Grandma doesn't do housework every day. 奶奶每天做家务。→奶奶每天不做家务。 He did his homework last night.→He didn't do his homework last night. 昨晚他做了作业。→昨晚他没做作业。 【注】(1)陈述句在加do not, does not或did not改为否定句以后,要把原句的动词改为动词原形,特别是当原句中的谓语动词是第三人称单数形式does或过去式did时,改为否定句时一定要记得在doesn't或didn't后加上do。 (2)肯定句中含有some或some-的合成词时,变为否定句时需将其改为any或any-的合成词。如: I have some pens.→I don't have any pens. 我有一些钢笔。→我没有任何钢笔。 There is something wrong with the TV.→There isn't anything wrong with the TV. 电视出了一些问题。→电视没有出任何问题。 4. 几种特殊形式的否定句 (1) 肯定句中含有every-或some-的合成词时,变为否定句时将其改为no-的合成词。如: Everything is ready.→Nothing is ready. 所有东西都准备好了。→什么东西都没有准备好。 There is something on the table.→There is nothing on the table. 桌子上有一些东西。→桌子上没有东西。 (2) 肯定句中含 ... ...

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