
外研版(2019)必修第二册Unit 4 Stage and screen Using language (Grammar & Vocabulary) 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:30次 大小:18178Byte 来源:二一课件通
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绥阳县绥阳中学教学设计 课 题 Book 2 Unit 4 Stage and screen Using language(Grammar&Vocabulary) 总课时 主备教师 学科 英语 课型 Grammar 课时安排 授课教师 上课班级 周 次 授课时间 年 月 日 一、学科素养 (Subject Literacy) 语法部分讲述了动词ing作状语,要求学生通过学后完成句式转化,培养学以致用的能力。 二、教学目标 (Teaching Objectives) By the end of this period, students will be able to 学生能够掌握动词ing的基本结构。 2.学生能够了解动词ing 做状语的用法,并在真实语境中加以运用。 三、教学重点和难点 (Focal and difficult points) Important points 引导学生熟悉并运用动词ing状语。 引导学生学习如何描述不同类型的节日。 Difficult points 引导学生熟悉并运用动词ing状语。 学情分析 五、教学步骤(Teaching procedures) Step1 Getting ready for learning/warming-up The teacher displays four sentences from the reading passage and asks students to figure out the meaning of each sentence. Purpose: Students can develop their translation ability and focus on the language points they are going to learn. Step2 Experiencing & Summarizing The teacher asks students to observe sentence (a)&(b), find the common point and the difference between two “ to-infinitive ”. Purpose: Students can discover and summarize the form and function of to-infinitive. The teacher presents specific explanations about to-infinitive form and students can get to know its usage directly. Purpose: Students can learn about its usage and structure. Step3 Practice (1)The teacher asks students to join the sentences using the to-infinitive form. Purpose : Students can deepen their understanding of to-infinitive. (2)The teacher asks students to look for more sentences with these structures in the reading passage and choose two of them to recite. Purpose: Students can deepen their understanding of to-infinitive. The teacher presents several sentences and encourages students to translate them into English using to-infinitive form. Students finish the exercise on the PowerPoint and check the answers together. (5)The teacher invites a student to make a brief conclusion of to-infinitive usage and gives further explanation if needed. Purpose:Students can improve their written English and check if they can use to-infinitive through exercise. Step 4 Homework Use to-infinitive form to make at least three sentences describing your sports life. Purpose:Consolidate the knowledge they have learned. 六、教学反思(Teaching reflection)

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