
2023届高三英语二轮复习读后续写练习课件 英勇画家巧妙绘画博得国王的喜欢(22张)

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:14次 大小:1753037Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 高考英语读后续写语篇练习 湖北省鄂州市2022-2023学年高二下学期期末质量监测英语试题 英勇画家巧妙绘画博得国王的喜欢 1 题目分析 读后续写 题目再现 范文呈现 努力方向 2 Part 1 题目呈现 3 续写原文 Once upon a time, there was a kingdom where there lived a king who only had one leg and one eye. But his skill, intelligence and generosity made him a competent ruler. As a result, the people in his kingdom lived a joyful and healthy life under his rule. Then, one day while the King was walking in his palace, he noticed the portraits(肖像) of his ancestors along the hallway. The paintings of his ancestors sparked(触发) a thought in the King’s mind. He thought that his children would walk the same hallway one day and remember all the ancestors through these portraits. So the King sent an invitation to all the painters from across the kingdoms to his court. He announced that he wanted a beautiful portrait made of himself that would be placed in the palace. So any painter who wants to paint his picture should come forward. The painter will be rewarded based on how good the painting will turn out. 4 续写原文 The painters started to panic and thought about making the King with only one leg and one eye look beautiful. How can his picture be beautiful It is not possible. They were also scared that the King may get angry and punish them if the portrait did not turn out beautiful. So one by one, all the painters started to make excuses and politely declined to make a painting of the King. But one young painter raised his hand and said that he would make a beautiful portrait of the King that the King would like. The King was finally happy hearing that at least one of the painters was interested in making his painting. The other painters got curious about how this young painter would make a beautiful painting of the King. The King excitedly permitted him, and the painter started drawing the portrait. He then filled the drawing with paints. Finally, after a long wait, he said that the picture was ready! 5 段首句 Para 1:All the people were curious and nervous about how the painting would turn out.                                     Para 2: The young painter had made a portrait in which the King was sitting on the horse. 6 Part 2 题目分析 7 续写原文分析 8 文章主要讲述了一位身体有缺陷的国王,他只有一条腿和一只眼睛,但他的技巧、智慧和慷慨使他成为一个称职的统治者。国王想要一副画像,希望画家能够画出让他满意的肖像,并给与奖赏。画家纷纷为难,无人敢画。一位年轻画家自告奋勇来作画,当他将画展示出来时,他的画里巧妙地将国王的缺陷用构图避开,将国王英勇骁战的一面展示出来。国王很是满意,画家得到了奖赏。 点1:位于续写第一段段首,流畅衔接前面的记叙文和第一段段首语; 点2:位于续写第一段段尾,流畅衔接第二段段首句; 点3:位于续写第二段段首,续写衔接第二段段首语; 点4:文章结尾升华,给予读者正能量,揭示和强调主题。 情节构建的重点 9 续写思路分析 Para 1:All the people were curious and nervous abo ... ...

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