
【天津专用】 2022-2023学年外研版八年级下册英语期末专练4(时文阅读+完型填空)含解析

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:17次 大小:380702Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【天津专用】 2022-2023学年外研版八年级下册英语期末专练(时文阅读+完型填空) 一、阅读理解题 When people ask Kate, "What do you do " she answers, "I'm a dentist (牙医)." Then she watches for the look on their faces. She can see that they are thinking, "I don't like dentists." She understands how they feel. They are afraid of the pain. Kate does not want her patients (病人) to feel afraid. She takes time to talk to them and make them less afraid. She tells them, "I'm going to be as gentle as I can. I don't like pain myself." When she was a child, Kate didn't like going to the dentist. She never expected to become one herself. She often thought about becoming a reporter when she grew up. She was interested in talking with different people. Now Kate has a different job, but communication is still a big part of her job. She needs to talk with her patients. They need to understand each other. Kate feels great about her job. She gives three reasons why she is glad to be a dentist. First of all, she knows that she makes her mother happy. Her mother is glad that Kate can support herself. She told her daughter, "You won't have to rely on others. It's good for you!" Kate also likes working with her hands. A dentist needs great control of very small movement. "I think I have good hands for this kind of work," she says. Finally, she likes learning new things. As a dentist, she learns from experience and from talking with her boss. Every Friday afternoon, she talks with her boss about her problems at work, and he gives her advice. She has learned a lot from him. (1) From the first two paragraphs, we can know that Kate is _____. A.busy and tired B.rich and successful C.clever and beautiful D.understanding and kind (2) When Kate was a child, she dreamed of being a(n) _____. A.dentist B.reporter C.actress D.artist (3) What does the underlined word "support" in the last paragraph mean in Chinese A.重视 B.原谅 C.挑战 D.养活 (4) How often does Kate talk with her boss about her problems at work A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Once a month. D.Twice a month. (5) Which of the following is TRUE about Kate according to the passage A.She lives with her parents. B.She feels good about her job. C.She doesn't want her sister to be a dentist. D.She doesn't understand why many people don't like dentists. A: Hello, Daming. B: Hi. Yes, I have. I am going to stay with an American family. A: Wow! That's a good way to improve your English. B: I'm flying to San Francisco. The family lives there. A: How long are you going to stay with them B: A: Two months! That's really a long time. B: Well, there's a lot to do in America. A: Will they take you to New York B: I hope so. A: B: On July 1st. (1) A.Two months. B.When are you leaving C.Have you got any plans for the summer holiday D.When did you leave E.I will go to different parts of the country with the family. F.Which city are you going G.I will go there by air. (2) A.Two months. B.When are you leaving C.H ... ...

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