
Lesson 10 Who has a watch? 一课一练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:42次 大小:138987Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 四下Lesson10 一课一练 一、单选题 1.Who has _____ watch A.a B.an C.the 2.I have a cat _____. A.this B.like C.like this 3.I have _____. A.three child B.a moms C.two brothers 4.What _____ you have A.are B.do C.have 5.We have _____ pictures. A.a B.an C.many 6. really( ) A.hear B.head C.bread 7.with ( ) A.ride B.mistake C.write 8.We have _____photos. A.about B.in C.with D.some 9.Who has ____ watch, Peter A.a B.an C.the 10._____are going to swim next week. A.I and he B.I and him C.He and I D.He and me 二、语法填空 11.I want to buy some    (crayon). 12.What    (do) the girl have 13.Mum    (have) some books. 14.He   (no have) a ball. 15.Who    (have) a candy 三、单词拼写(词汇运用) 16.Hello,    (我的)name is Gogo. 17.She    (有) a watch. 18.I have forks . I    (没有)have spoons. 19.We don't have    (蜡笔)! 20.They   (有) plates. 四、连词成句 21.has, who, fork ,a,( ) (连词成句)         22.don't , basketball, we, a, have,(.) (连词成句)         23.cups, have, they (.) (连词成句)         24.don't, I, have, watch, a(.) (连词成句)         25.have, you , candy, a(.) (连词成句)         五、句型转换 26.句型转换 She has a candy. (1)翻译句子:   . (2)改为复数:   . (3)改为否定句:   . (4)向主语提问 :    (5)划线部分提问:    六、翻译 27.单词互译 (1)蜡笔    (2)fan    (3)糖果     (4)篮球     (5)have     七、选词填空(词汇运用) 28.用don't 或doesn't 填空。 (1)You     have a fan. (2)They     have crayons. (3)I     have a pencil. (4)Alice     have a basketball . (5)My grandparents    have any candies. 29.用 have ,has 填空 (1)Who     a fan (2)She doesn't     a pencil. (3)I     a basketball. (4)My friends     many toys. (5)Tony     a car. 八、阅读理解 30.阅读理解 Look! I'm Tom. This is a box. It's orange. It's my box. What's in the box A ruler is in the box. It is my ruler. The ruler is blue and red. That is a pencil. It is black and white. It is not my pencil. Look! That girl is Lucy. It is her pencil. That boy is Tim. I found (找到) his green pen in the box. I call Tim at 7890003. It is his telephone number. (1)What color is the box ( ) A.It's orange. B.It's green. C.It's black and white. D.It's blue and red. (2)What color is the ruler ( ) A.It's orange. B.It's green. C.It's black and white. D.It's blue and red. (3)Who has a pencil ( ) A.Tom B.Lucy C.Tim D.I don't know. (4)What's in the box ( ) A.A pencil and a pen. B.A ruler and a pen. C.A ruler and a pencil. D.A ruler, a pencil and a pen. (5)What's Tim's telephone number ( ) A.789003 B.7980003 C.7890003 D.8790003 答案部分 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.crayons 12.does 13.has 14.doesn't have 15.has 16.my 17.has 18.don't 19.crayons 20.have 21.Who has a fork 22.We don't have a basketball. 23.They have cups. 24.I don't have a ... ...

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