
Unit4 Hobbies Lesson1-1课件+素材(共11张PPT)

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:81次 大小:22505008Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) New Starting Line Unit4 Hobbies Lesson1 Different kinds of hobbies(1) 1. 能理解有关爱好的语篇,获取、梳理不同人的不同爱好。 2. 能介绍语篇中小朋友的爱好。 3. 能按照自己的理解将词汇分类,并尝试说出理由。 4. 能用句型I like... ...like(s)... 介绍自己和他人的爱好。 Learning goals: Lesson 1 reading talk about hobbies I like … She/He likes… He/She has… differenthobbies skateboarding singing and dancing collecting erasers making models doing jigsaw puzzles feelings interesting be good at … … can … well. strength What are we going to learn in this unit Let’s watch and find: What is hobby What are these Hobbies let's watch and find. What is the song about What are their hobbies What are their hobbies playing chess riding a bike playing with marbles playing basketball flying a kite Who are they What are they talking about What are their hobbies Lily Binbin Joy Andy Bill Mike _____ likes _____(v.ing/n.). Lily Binbin Joy Andy Bill Mike Lily likes reading. Binbin likes going skateboarding. Bill likes doing jigsaw puzzles. Andy likes making models. Joy likes singing and dancing. Mike likes collecting erasers.

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