
Unit4 Hobbies Lesson1-4 课件+素材(共11张PPT)

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:65次 大小:28728190Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) New Starting Line Unit4 Hobbies Lesson1 Different kinds of hobbies(4) He likes collecting erasers. What does Mike like doing Let’s talk about Mike’s hobby stamps marbles stickers What are these What kind of things do you like collecting Listen and repeat. Read and find. What do they have in common Let’s retell their hobbies. _____(name) likes _____(hobbies) Let’s play a game. Do the actions to guess your partners’ hobbies. Let’s enjoy! What hobbies do you hear I like playing the guitar in the music class. I love drawing with friends. I love cooking for parents. I love singing in front of people. I love dancing to hiphop music. I like listening to music before I go to bed. I enjoy swimming in the ocean. I enjoy hiking in the mountain. I love taking photographs of my pet. I love playing basketball after school. I like riding a bicycle at the park. Let’s play a game. Who are they Yaoyao Binbin Mike

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