
外研版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 On the Road Writing学历案

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:46次 大小:130516Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高一英语学历案 Unit 5 On the road 课时4 Writing Learning aims 1.To master the usage of some important words and phrases: when it comes to...; can’t wait to do..; keep in touch; be determined to...; There is no doubt that....; etc 2.Have a good knowledge of the basic requirements and patterns of postcard. 3.Apply what have learned to writing. Assessment tasks According to the text, complete the tasks given in class, and finish corresponding exercises. Learning Procedures Step 1: Warming-up 基础训练: 课文重点句子再现并仿写。 I use my photography to make an impact on people, especially when it comes to environmental issues. 仿写:说到北京,你首先会想到什么呢? _____ I can’t wait to share the stories with you.. 仿写:我迫不及待想要和你分享我在北京的经历。 _____ We reached Quebec on the eighth day, where most people speak French. 仿写:我们到达了北京,在这里大部分的人都说普通话(mandarin)。 _____ We’re going to keep in touch, so I now have someone to practise French with! 仿写:我打算和这个可爱的美国小男孩一直保持联系,所以现在我有了一个练习英语的老师。 _____ In 2013,I was determined to make my dream come true. 仿写:这次,我下定决心要爬到八达岭长城(the Great Wall at Badaling)的顶端。 _____ Today I’ve been photographing a crocodile swimming close to our boat. 仿写:我游览了故宫(the Palace Museum),在这里有很多穿着清朝服饰的女孩子。 _____ There is no doubt that the train is a journey for travellers who want to get back to nature. 仿写:毫无疑问,北京值得多次游览。 _____ Step 2: Pre-writing Scanning:Look through the text on Page 78, and have a discussion about the answers to the questions followed. Reflection:This text is a 。 Essay appreciation: 疫情散去,你(Mike)去了北京旅游,在当地的胡同里发现了一个“时光邮局”,里面摆满了各种各样的有特色的明信片。现在,你决定给你的美国朋友Tom寄一个明信片,分享你这两天在北京故事。 参考内容: ①来北京两天,过得愉快 ②地点:长城、故宫、天安门广场等 美食:北京烤鸭、糖葫芦(Tomatoes on Sticks)、老北京火锅(Old Beijing Hotpot)等 注意:词数80左右,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 15 March Hi Tom, I have been in Beijing for two days and I’m having a great time! I (迫不及待) share my experiences here with you. (说到北京), what would you think of first The Great wall or Beijing Duck (俗话说)one who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero. This time I (下定决心)climb to the top and (我成功了). In addition, I also visited the Palace Museum, (在这里有很多穿着清朝服饰的女孩子)and they’re so attractive. Last but not least, Beijing Duck is (如此美味以至于)I will never forget its great taste. (毫无疑问)Beijing is worth visiting many times. Hope we can travel here together one day. Yours, Mike Summary:After reading the texts and essay, we find the following sentence patterns can be used to express ourselves when writing. Step 3:While-writing Draft:疫情退去,你想去哪里旅游呢?或者你之前去过哪里呢?在地图上用“ ”标出你心仪的地方,写一封明信片,和你的小伙伴们分享一下你的见闻吧! 注意:1.词数80左右;2 ... ...

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