
【江苏专用】 2022-2023学年外研版九年级下册英语期末专练3(时文阅读+填空)(含解析)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:85次 大小:76758Byte 来源:二一课件通
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【江苏专用】 2022-2023学年外研版九年级下册英语期末专练(时文阅读+填空) 一、填空题 Embroidery (刺绣) is an important art form in Chinese culture. People often embroider handkerchiefs, bed covers, tablecloths and dresses. Su embroidery is one of the most famous embroidery styles in China. It's k for its strong expression and smooth needlework. The characteristics are greatly i by geographical environment, customs and cultures. Called the "Land of Richness", Sichuan province is rich in grain production. The people of this area also enjoy a slow lifestyle. So when embroidering, they are usually p and willing to spend time on pursuing the form's intricacy. This could also be a reason why Su embroidery was listed as national-level intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) in 2006. Making beautiful Su embroidery products is never easy. It r super workmanship. Meng Dezhi, 59, was born to a family of embroiderers. She was one of the most talented workers at the Chengdu Su embroidery factory. E so, the long and repetitive nature of the process often challenges her. And in winter when her hands and feet are freezing, things become more difficult. However, her love for the work has e Meng to continue. For an experienced master like Meng, finishing a piece requires several days or a few months. "These experiences may s make me lose confidence, but the love for Su embroidery always gives me power to continue," said Meng. Meng also has popularized the culture of Su embroidery when the tradition was at r of waning (衰落). Many cheap goods are made by modern machines. In 2005, the factory Meng worked in was forced to close. To make a living and pass along the t technology, Meng hired a small space of 10 square meters to teach Su embroidery skills. "In the early days, I s up the company just for survival, but now I really feel that I have the responsibility to pass on Su embroidery skills to young people to let it run from generation to generation," she told China Daily. (1) k (2) i (3) p (4) r (5) E (6) e (7) s (8) r (9) t (10) s Chinese delivery (快递) driver, Gao Zhixiao, whose photo was put on the cover of Time magazine in March b he was picked by the magazines as one of the heroes. Ever since COVID-19 broke out, many restaurants shutdown or only provided takeout s . Millions of people have been staying home to prevent t getting ill. People choose to order food online instead of going out. As a result, delivery orders greatly i . Gao was born into a poor family in Ningxia. He left for Beijing after graduating from midle school. A trying his hand as a dishwasher, assistant cook, and many other jobs, he worked as a deliveryman in 2012. When the novel coronavirus broke out, Gao g up his train ticket to go back home during the Spring Festival and continued working because he thought customers might be in need. Later this February, Gao received a s order that asked him to send medicine for coronavirus patients. He thought for a moment for a moment and picked u ... ...

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