
Lesson 1 A Trip to China 课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-06-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:44次 大小:721408Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road Lesson 1 A Trip to China 目 录 CONTENTS 1 学习目标 2 新课导入 3 新课讲解 4 当堂小练 5 课堂小结 7 学习目标 掌握单词:trip, silk, road, lead, note, chance, send, news 短语:guess what, learn about, the Silk Road, send sb.sth. 能使用一般将来时 能使用本课的词汇及句式礼貌地提出请求及回答 思 考 新课导入 思 考 Look at the pictures. Do you know the Silk Road 新课导入 思 考 The Silk Road is a historical network of interlinking trade routes across the Afro-Eurasian landmass that connected East, South, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean and European world, as well as parts of North and East Africa. Extending 4,000 miles (6,500 km), the Silk Road gets its name from the lucrative Chinese silk trade along it, which began during the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD). 新课导入 Trade on the Silk Road was a significant factor in the development of the civilizations of China, India, Persia, Europe and Arabia. Though silk was certainly the major trade item from China, many other goods were traded, and various technologies, religions and philosophies, as well as the bubonic plague (the "Black Death"), also traveled along the Silk Routes. The main traders during Antiquity were the Indian and Bactrian traders, then from the 5th to the 8th century the Sogdian traders, then afterward the Arab and Persian traders. 新课讲解 Jenny:Hi, Mum! Hi, Dad! Guess what! We’re learning about the Silk Road this month in school. Mr. Smith:The Silk Road?That’s in China! Jenny:Yes, it is! Mum and Dad, may I ask you a question? Mrs. Smith:Sure, Jenny! What is it? Jenny:My school is planning a trip around China with Li Ming’s school. Some students from my class will go to China and 新课讲解 travel on the Silk Road. May I go with them? Mr. Smith:Who will lead the trip Jenny:Ms. Martin!Here is the note from my school. (Jenny’s father and mother read the note.) Mrs. Smith:Yes, you may go. This is a good chance for you. You will learn about China. Jenny:Really?Great! Thanks, Mum and Dad! I’m so excited! I will send Li Ming an e mail and tell him the good news. 新课讲解 Learning Tip Is the Silk Road made of silk Of course not. The Silk Road gets its name from the Chinese silk trade along it during the Han Dynasty. 新课讲解 Language point 1 lead v.带领;指路 过去式为led,过去分词为led。 lead to... (道路)通向;导致 e.g. All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。 lead...to...把……带到,领到 e.g. I’ll lead you to the waiting room. Please follow me. 我将带你到等候室。请跟我来。 Who will lead the trip 新课讲解 Language point 2 chance n.机会;运气 chance意为“机会、机遇”。 e.g. There will be a chance for us to look around the school. 我们将有机会参观这个学校。 表示“有机会做某事”时,chance后可接“to do sth.”或“of doing sth.”。 e.g. I will have the chance of visiting Beijing tomorrow. 明天我将有机会参观北京。 This is a good chance for you. 新课讲解 Language point 3 send v.送;寄 过 ... ...

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