
新疆兵团第五师2022-2023学年八年级上学期期末测试英语试卷(PDF版 含答案+听力音频)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:89次 大小:6233029Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    2022一2023学年第…学期期末试题卷 八年级英语 )5. . (考试时间:100分钟) B.情景反应。所句子,选择合适答语。每小题读两遍 )6.A.Inieresting. B.Crowded. C.Tall and thin, 法意事项: )7.A.Yos,she is. B.Yes,she will. C.No,she doesn't. 1.本试卷分试题卷和答题券两部分,芳生务必将自己的姓名、准考记号等信息镇写 )8.A.Sure,I'd love to. B.I don't agrce. C.You're welcome 在试题卷和答邀卷的相应位置上。 )9.A.Iamburgers. B.Strawberries. C.'Fomaloes. 2.作答远择题时,远出正硝答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卷上对应题月的答案字母涂黑 )10.A.Yes.it is. B.I can't stand it. 如:需改动,用椽皮擦干海后,再选涂片他答策字母在试题卷上作答无效 C.Sounds like a good plan. 3.作答非逃择题时,将答策写在答题卷上,在试题卷上作答无效。 (.对话弹解、根据村话内容,选样正确答案。每段对话读两避 4考试结京时,将本试题卷和答题卷一并交回 )11.What will Bill do on Friday night 等 点.Watch TV, 级 总评价 B.Prepare for a Lest C.Paint a pictiue ()12.When is Mr.Black going to London A B D A.Next Monday. B.Next week. C.Nexi month. )13.What does the man think the city will be like in the future 第1卷选择题 A.Less polluted. B.Morc crowded C.Much cleaner. 第一部分听力测试 明下一段划话,回答第14至15小题 1.听 )14.What kind of musie did Tom use to like .Folk music心. A.听音辨图。根据所听的句了选择与其内容湘符的图片、每小题读两遍。 B.Pop music. C.CounLry music. )15.Why doesn't Helen like classical music A.Because it's too noisy. B.Because it's too sad. )1. C.Because it's Loo serious D.短文瑶解。根据短文内容.选摔正确答茶。短文读两遍 )16.Does Sam iike doing housework A.Yt¥.he dnes3 B.Yes,she does C.No,he doesn'L. )17.Sam washes his father'#car on A..weekends B.Monday C.Tuesday )18.Does Sam have to look after his little sister and brother A.Yes,he does. B.No,he doesn'f. G.Yes,she does. )19.In Peter's family,who does ihe chores A.Only the boys. B.Only the girls. C.Only parents ()20.h0 cooks the meals f r Peter A.上Tis iom, B.His dad. C.Himnself. 2022-·2023学年第一学斯期充试题卷八年驳英语第1可共8面 2022-2023党年第-学期期未式卷八年级语第2页共8页骚 2022一2023学年第-学期期茶贰题卷 八年级英语答题卡 姓 名 淮考让巧 [o: 12 A 1 2 2 12 2 23 1 站条形码区 45 4567 4 45 45 45 345 45 67 6 6 8 99 9 9 9] 监考教师将新有 芳生的袋形网贴 离鹏姓去滦写的务呈膏养能品风核剥条形 正确填涂样例 注意事项 2.基率落说书结徐,选部延演注3德来的危迹的签宁签市写,宁体 瞬 3坐额质字花年日的芬题K姚穴作答,诏州答恐I×峨或其它题的答证以成内 生标记, 讳按"填涂样例" :分。 选择题 B c 6] 3」 c 11 iA B C 2 A B c 7A] 12 A和 E 3 二A E Lc] A 8 13 A 4 A LB LcI 9 A B 14 CA] B.j a 5 A B C 10 LAT B [c. 15 CA) 3 16 CA LB c 21 2A B [ L E 3 Lc] DI 17 「A B c AT B 百 [c Lo] A 15 23 「AT LAT B r 5 8 A C A 3 29 A C D 20A 8] 25 B」 D E 0 [A7 B D 31 E] L D」 36 A LB Lc) CoJ A c] D A Bl ic] D A 23345 iD] LB [D Le 万] 五 Lc 1D1 l 四 39 A 引 4 A B G 「D [A] o A B C D 给 L F 51 LA LB 56 A 8」 D 52 A 57 A c D T E门 53 A B 0 Co 58 及 i LOT 49 T FI 54A B C D 59 A B rc. 「D 50 55A7 7 60 A B C 请在各题匠的答题区绒内作答,熘黑色矩光选框限定区域的答案元效 请在各越日的答题区域内作客,超出黑色矩 ... ...

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