
【单元检测】2015《三维设计》高考英语(江苏专用)大一轮复习通关检测:必修四 Unit1 Advertising

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:86次 大小:316040Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com Advertising 单元检测(A卷———全员必做) Ⅰ.单项填空 1.(2014·江苏潼阳中学检测)A g ood speaker is supposed to manage to _____ the listeners what he means. A.make sense to      B.appeal to C.attach to D.get across to 2.(2014·合肥八中模拟)The ba sic strategy to change bad behavior is to guide right _____ of teenagers by using some right public opinions, good models and perfect personalities. A.remarks B.comments C.values D.costs 3.(2014·阜阳三中模拟)China has increased supply of low rent apartments recently, _____ to help low income families have places to live in. A.to aim B.aiming C.having aimed D.aims 4.(2014·芜湖模拟) _____every day, the information on the Internet is always new and up to date. A.Updated B.Updating C.To update D.Having updated 5.(2014·湖北荆州高三质检)Th rough the years, VOA Special English has become a very popular tool for teaching English, even though it was not _____ as a teaching program. A.attached B.designed C.performed D.appealed 6.(2014·盐城高三模拟)Ad makers choose words and brand names very carefully in order to make a creative image of the product they are _____. A.processing B.producing C.providing D.promoting 7.(2014·南京第五十五中学检 测)I have tried everything I can _____ him to stay, but he didn't listen to me. A.persuade B.persuading C.to be persuaded D.to persuade 8.(2014·安庆一中模拟)I stron gly recommend that the information _____ in my report _____ to Professor Keller without delay. A.to be referred to; to be e mailed B.referring to; e mail C.referred to; be e mailed D.being referred to; being e mailed 9.(2014·江苏新沂二 中质量检测)—You should have told her about the meaning of the gesture.21cnjy.com —I meant _____, but I had some unexpected guests. A.to do B.to have C.doing D.doing so 10.(2014·苏南五校联考)—Have you heard that George quit his job —Yeah, but I can't _____ why he did so. A.put out B.figure out C.carry out D.send out 11.(2014·淮南市 模拟)Mike, you know, _____ that sounds like a good idea, you shouldn't overdo it at the beginning.2·1·c·n·j·y A.even though B.now that C.even so D.only if 12.(2014·黄山模拟)—How do you feel about the story we've just read —_____, it's not to my taste. A.Generally B.Really C.Secretly D.Personally 13.(2014·南通模拟)He is used to _____ the matters that I don't know _____. A.dealing with; what to do with them B.do with; how to deal with them C.do with; what to do with D.dealing with; what to do with 14.(2014·淮安高三检测)The _____ young man left the company, _____ never to come back. A.determined; determined B.determining; determining C.determined; being determined D.determining; having determined 15.(2014·永州一模)I s trongly feel that whatever our friends _____ matter to us. A.do do B.does do C.does does D.do does Ⅱ.阅读理解 A (2014·福建省高三六校第二次联考)M any people think of the brain as a mystery. ... ...

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